Control Your TV with The New Kymera Magic Wand

By Andrew Schrank | January 21st, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

kymera wand walThe Wand Company makes some sweet consumer-level props and collectibles, and the Kymera Magic Wand lets you control your TV!

While you might assume Harry Potter when seeing this, it actually isn’t licensed, it’s just a wand that the company made up. However, with many of its sleek design features and packaging, it could easily pass as a licensed product. They put a ton of effort into it and it shows. Not to mention some sweet IR movement sensors that you can use in your house!

Kymera Magic Wand Universal Remote Control

kymera wandThe premium packaging puts up a front of something you wouldn’t expect to be done independently. But, it is! The box has a black detailed outside, with a red and gold designed inner cloth. The package also comes with detailed instructions on just what the wand can do other than look nice on a shelf…

kymera wand long

The wand also serves as an IR remote control. This means you can control most appliances that have a remote. TVs, DVD players, remote-controlled lights, sound systems, speakers, and pretty much anything you can think of! There are 13 movements programmed into the wand, so that means 13 individual “buttons”. They are all relatively simple and easy to do. Like twisting the wand, flicking it in a direction, waving it, and similar actions.

The possibilities are pretty cool, and the idea of a friend walking into your TV space and you turning it on with a magic wand seems pretty hysterical. You’re sure to get a few confused guests or at the very least a good laugh every once and a while.

Get Your Magic Remote Control Want Here

Will you be picking up this magic wand controller? Do you think you can mess with some friend with it?

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