New Privateer Press Releases INCOMING!

By Zeb Barrett | December 9th, 2016 | Categories: Privateer Press, Warhammer 40k Rumors

privateer press

A ton of new releases are coming from Privateer Press and just in time for Christmas! How many of these will make it on your wish list for Santa?

We all have our wish lists and they grow longer with every passing day and many of us have a back log just as long. But why change that now? Check out these new releases coming from Privateer Press!

Source: Privateer Press

Merc: Thron Gun Mages:

thron gun mages

This is a new mercenary gun mage unit featured in WARMACHINE: Prime.

The Thorn Gun Mages bring versatile firepower to Mercenary, Cygnar, and Protectorate of Menoth armies. With ROF 2 on their dual magelock pistols, this three-man unit can pump out six shots per activation. Combined with the unit’s three ammo-type abilities and its Both Barrels special attack, the Thorn Gun Mages have a versatile set of tools for their commanders to employ.

With their great flexibility, the Thorn Gun Mages are sure to be popular choices among both Mercenary and Cygnar players, as these Factions have the tools to enhance the Thorn Gun Mages’ already impressive firepower. This item is likely to see higher than normal demand, given its multiple-Faction appeal.

CoO: Warlock Kaya the Wildheart:

warlock kaya the wildheart

This is the newest incarnation of one of the original Circle Orboros warlocks, Kaya.

Kaya the Wildheart brings the power of the predator to Circle Orboros. She is the second warlock in Circle Orboros to have the spell Synergy, and the only one who can field any type of warbeast in her battlegroup. A master of hit-and-run tactics, Kaya the Wildheart also boasts Field Marshal: Reposition [3˝] and a feat that enhances her army’s defense and allows them to move through enemy models and ignore free strikes.

Kaya the Wildheart pairs exceptionally well with Circle’s heavy-hitting melee warbeasts like Ghetorix (PIP 72096), Feral Warpwolves and Warpwolf Stalkers (PIP 72057), and the Satyrs (PIP 72077). Due to her reliance on large battlegroups, Shifting Stones (PIP 72016) and the Druid Wilder (72049) are also great pairings.

Merc: Colbie Sterling:

merc: colbie sterling

This is a new mercenary character solo inspired by the characters from the Skull Island eXpeditions novel Black Dogs.

A skilled Jack Marshal, mechanik and fighter, Colbie Sterling can fill a number of important battlefield roles. Her Drive: Reposition [3˝] ability gives a warjack under her control the ability to strike and fade, while her Repair [d3+1] ability pairs great with Mechanikally Adept, which allows Colbie to repair non-Faction models as well as Mercenary models.

Due to her Drive: Reposition [3˝], Colbie pairs well with ranged warjacks such as the Mule or Rover (PIP 41085) and the Vanguard (PIP 41020).

TB: Warlock Horgle the Anvil:

warlock horgle the anvil

This is the full warlock version of the character solo Horgle Ironstrike featured in Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command.

The full warlock version of Horgle Ironstrike, Horgle the Anvil has mastered the fiery elemental powers of the forge. Thanks to spells like Firestarter, which grants the Continuous: Fire ability to a model in his battlegroup’s ranged and melee weapons, and Consuming Flames, which sets models hit by its AOE 4 on fire, Horgle has plenty of ways to set enemy models are on fire. And his feat, Stoking the Flames, grants models boosted attack and damage rolls against enemy models in his control range that are suffering the Fire continuous effect. Horgle’s Solid Ground spell represents a huge boon to his Trollkin warriors by preventing knockdown within his control range, making their Tough advantage even more potent.

Due to Horgle’s reliance on the Fire continuous effect, models like the Northkin Fire Eaters (PIP 71088) and the Pyre Troll (PIP 71067) are ideal companion purchases. In addition, the Dire Troll Bomber’s (PIP 71058) AOE 4 ranged attacks make it a great target for Horgle’s Firestarter spell.

CoO: Loki Character Warbeast:

loki character warbeast

This is a new character warpwolf featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command.

The character warpwolf Loki is at his best when disrupting an enemy’s carefully laid plans. Boasting Drag, Shield Guard, and two new Controlled Warping abilities that grant him the ability to ignore concealment and cover or become immune to combined ranged and melee attacks, Loki excels at being a thorn in an opponent’s side. Loki becomes even more elusive when under control of his preferred warlock Tanith the Feral Song, as his bond grants him Prowl while under her control.

As Tanith’s personal warbeast, Loki is a great purchase for new players who have picked up the Circle Orboros Battlegroup Box (PIP 72094). Loki also pairs well with warlocks like Kromac, Champion of the Wurm (PIP 72087); Kaya the Moonhunter (PIP 72032); and Kaya the Wildheart (PIP 72096).

CoO: Warlock Una the Skyhunter:

warlock una the skyhunter

This is the full warlock version of the character solo Una the Falconer featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command.

Now a full warlock, Una the Skyhunter has mastered her control over the winged warbeasts of the Circle. Her Hawker ability grants her battlegroup warbeasts with Flight Sprint, while her Birds of Prey ability grants her battlegroup Griffons Flank, another Griffon in Una’s battlegroup. Combined with her feat, which grants all friendly Faction models with Flight additional speed and protects them from being targeted by melee attacks, it becomes clear why she is master of the skies.

Una the Skyhunter needs plenty of Griffon light warbeasts for her battlegroup in order to gain maximum effectiveness from her abilities. Therefore, retailers are encouraged to make sure they have an appropriate stock of Scarsfell Griffons (PIP 72061), Rotterhorn Griffons (PIP 72072), and Razorwing Griffons (PIP 72073).

Head over to Privateer Press and keep your eyes open for these new released becoming available!