Blood Angels Codex Tips You Should Know & Review

By Juan Lopez | December 9th, 2017 | Categories: Blood Angels, Product Review, Videos, Warhammer 40k

Codex Blood Angels Post

Get the scoop on the Blood Angels Army to play and all the new upgrades, traits, Stats, psychics you need to know. The Sons of Sanguinius are finally here!

What a great time it is to be a Blood Angels player with the release of their 144-codex that is jam-packed with great Stratagems, tactics, Traits, and much more. The only group of players that are not having a great time are those who play Grey Knights. Hopefully this codex will set a precedent going forward with the other upcoming Chapter-specific codices. Our very own Rob Baer got his hands on a copy and placed it on his paint bench to give you some tips and talk some tactics.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

BA Codex contents

This codex has a lot going for it. The layout and organization of the data is great. The lore, which has been updated to the latest plot developments in relation to the current state of the Blood Angels and the Imperium at large, is also great. What really takes this codex to the next level is that amount of possibilities it gives to Blood Angels players. There are now multiple ways to play them in narrative and matched play. Rob’s tips and tactics for this codex will be more on the competitive aspects that the Blood Angels have.

Lib Dreadnought BA

The Librarian Dreadnought is definitely one of the stars of this codex. He clocks in at 130 points at base, which is a 20 point reduction from the Index. He has 8 wounds and is a character which will make him untargetable. Since he is also a Psyker, he can use Wings of Sanguinius to fly around and place him in a position where he can then charge into combat. He may not be charging on the first turn but he will be close in and ready to cause alot of pain.

Sanguinary Discipline

One thing that Rob will keep referring to throughout his review is just how fluffy the Blood Angels feel with this codex. Many veteran players will see skills, traits, etc. have come back and still function as they did in older editions. Your level of Blood Angel immersion will be quite high. The Sanguinary Discipline powers are quite strong, except for Shield of Sanguinius. It was changed to have a 5+ invulnerable save instead of a 4+ invulnerable save. The rest of the skills listed function nearly the same as they did before but with some minor tweaks. All in all, these psychic powers are some of the most solid options that we ahve seen thus far in a codex.

Rob dives further into unit choices, tactics using said units with Stratagems, traits, and more in the his full review video below!

Codex: Blood Angels: $40


Sons of the angel-winged Primarch Sanguinius, the Blood Angels are noble and magnificent, a proud Space Marine chapter with ten millennia of history. They are warrior heroes who descend into battle on flaming wings to stand between the Emperor’s servants and the heretical hordes that seek to destroy them. Yet beneath their heroic exterior lies a dark secret known as the Flaw, a gene-curse that has bedevilled them for millennia, ravaging their souls until they fight as much for a suitably heroic end as they do for victory in the Emperor’s name.

Codex: Blood Angels contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Blood Angels collectors. Within this 144-page hardback, you’ll find:

– The Angelic Host: the origin of the Blood Angels, the story behind their homeworld of Ball, the horror of the Flaw and the introduction of Primaris Space Marines to their ranks;
– Ordering the Host: a detailed breakdown of the Blood Angels’ Chapter organisation, their heraldries and vehicle markings;
– Colour schemes and heraldries for 8 successor Chapters: Angels Encarmine, Angels Sanguine, Flesh Tearers, Carmine Blades, Angels Vermillion, Blood Drinkers, Knights of the Chalice, and Lamenters;
– A Chronicle of Heroes: a timeline of major Blood Angels engagements, from the founding to the present;
– Background and details on each character and unit available to a Blood Angels army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Blood Angels army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 77 datasheets, providing rules for every Blood Angels unit and miniature;
– Army abilities reflecting the Blood Angels’ methods of war on the tabletop;
– Armoury of Baal: wargear both ranged and close-combat for use by Blood Angels;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Sons of Sanguinius: rules for Battle-forged armies, including:
– 25 unique Stratagems;
– 6 unique Warlord Traits that any Blood Angels commander can use;
– Relics of Baal: 6 rare weapons and artefacts available only to Blood Angels;
– Sanguinary Discipline: 6 psychic powers available to any Blood Angels model with the Psyker keyword;
– 6 Tactical Objectives unique to the Blood Angels.

Datacards: Blood Angels: $15


Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 72 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Blood Angels gamer. Included:

– 7 psychic power cards – 6 from the Interromancy discipline found in Codex: Blood Angels, along with Smite;
– 28 Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Blood Angels army as found in Codex: Blood Angels, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Objectives from Codex: Blood Angels.

Codex: Blood Angels is available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty review video below for the full product breakdown.

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About the Author: Juan Lopez