Games Workshop just released six new Citadel paints rounding our their line to 150 paints total.That is a lot of paint indeed. What’s nice about these new paints is that they help to produce a variety of effects on figures after most of the work is done, so I guess they really are more of […]
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The new Sicarian Battle Tank is now on pre-order and boy does this thing look good.Sporting a Neutron laser for tank destruction, this puppy is designed to be a tank buster extreme! Mine will be here towards the end of the month, but until then checkout regular Sicaran battle tank unboxing below, and preview of […]
Read MoreThe newest Horus Heresy supplement for games of 40k er make that games of 30k released recently, and wow what a wild ride this book is! Mostly everyone knows about the Imperium shattering events of the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V, but what most of us don’t know is just who some of the new […]
Read MoreThe latest Dark Eleves releases have come out, and just like wave 1, these models rock.This installment saw the release of the Dark Elves Executioners, Dark Riders, Cold One Chariots, as well as a plastic Black Ark Corsair Hero Choice respectively. Gone are the cumbersome oversized hands grasping weapons, and in are models and war machines […]
Read MoreAttacked from all sides, big games of Warhammer Fantasy may never be the same.Grab you buddies and get ready for some exciting games of multi player Fantasy. This newest expansion makes games of three to five players possible with some pretty interesting rules and score keeping methods. The book itself is about 100 pages, comes […]
Read MoreThe newest supplement for Apocalypse Wazone Pandorax has just released, and if you’re a fan of the super heavy this book is for you. Besides being a good book in general, Games Workshop published rules for several “custom” super heavies and Forge World models that have not had an Apocalypse update yet. Chief among them […]
Read MoreI got a few of the stater sets for the Wreck-Age game recently, and they pretty cool kits. From the figures to the styling, it’s a pretty slick skirmish level game. Since I like em, I figured you guys would want to see what this game is all about too!Similar to Infinity in a lot […]
Read MoreThe Black Arks are on the move, and the Dark Elves are restless. As you’ve probably heard by now, The Dark Elves had another wave of figures released this month, along with quite a few holiday items and digital products as well! For the first time in recent memory Games Workshop released a wave of new […]
Read MoreLooking for some new Tau Tech? Checkout The Taros Campaign, Imperial Armour Volume Three Second Edition.About a month or so ago Forge World re-released this book (like Imperial Armor Second Edition), right on the heals of the new Tau launch, as an update of the book of the same name from the 2000’s. Following the […]
Read MoreReinforcements have arrived. The Space Marines are HERE.All around the world the Angels of Death have caused quite a stir, and gamers everywhere are scrambling to secure their share of the highly anticipated Space Marines of 2013. This time around though, they seem to have the tools to deal with the tabletop threats that have emerged since their “hiatus”. Today I […]
Read MoreThe wait is over, the Space Marines have smashed back into action! If you’re a Marine player, you know that this release ends the five years of praying to the Emperor, while all the other races saw their fortunes raised greatly. So I had chance to really dig into the new codex over the weekend […]
Read MoreIt’s release time again, and all the Space Marine players are ecstatic! Here at Spikey Bits I just record almost 30 minutes of video on the new codex and model kits, and feel like I barely scratched the surface! There is so much to see on every new sprue, and at almost 180 pages […]
Read MoreReinforcements have arrived. If the White Dwarf was the old Dawn of War video game, that is what this issue would sound like I think. As you’ve probably heard by now, Space Marines are getting an slew of new releases including a new Codex, and cutting edge models like the Centurions to hopefully help battle […]
Read MoreHave you heard? There may be a new sheriff in town when it comes to miniatures, and their name is Kabuki.Kabuki Models has been quietly been making miniatures for the past few years, but have really be taking their offerings to the next level as of late with amazing quality resin casts. They have very wide range of miniatures […]
Read MoreWell it’s finally here, rules for Forge World in 6th Edition / Apocalypse.Over the weekend I did a review on the new Forge World Imperial Armour (Armor) Apocalypse book (the fourth of its kind in five years lol, fifth if you count Aeronautica), which contains updates to most of Forge World’s line of super heavy, […]
Read MoreThis last weekend, I had the pleasure of being at the best four days in gaming: Gen Con.While there, I was able to chat some with David J Lewis, the game designer for Dropzone Commander. He told me that they had been working for some time on the new Dropzone starter. He described it as […]
Read MoreThe new Black Legion digital supplement dropped last night, and of course I bought it, and after about five minutes of reading immediately regretted my purchase. So looks like were 1 for 3 on these supplements actually being “good” IMHO. I’m not going to do a full review because honestly I’m so mad at the […]
Read MoreSup Spikey Bits, JStove here, and as of April 16th 2013, I’m a Reaper vampire. A lot of us have been following that kickstarter for a long time, and if like me, you were one of the supporters who had a really simple order consisting of only vampire level miniatures, then your box went out first, […]
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