12 Big Rules Changes For Age of Sigmar 3.0

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesGames Workshop just let the cat out of the bag with 12 big rules changes and confirmations for Age of Sigmar 3.0!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW Unboxing Dominion Preview

Warhammer preview

That’s right, folks, another glorious day of reveals awaits you on Saturday with our latest Warhammer Preview Online – Unboxing Dominion.

For fans of the Mortal Realms, this is quite simply the best boxed set ever. If you looked on enviously last year as Warhammer 40,000 players cracked open their copies of Indomitus, this boxed set is like that. Dominion, however, has fewer boltguns and undying robots, and more lightning warriors and… well, you’ll have to join us to see.

All the Latest GW Previews:

Check out the teasers for the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 rules, with a quick recap of the upcoming edition from Warhammer Fest 2021.

Age of Sigmar 3.0 Teaser

In the meantime, we know you have a lot of questions, so we convinced Jes, Phil, and Ben of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Studio team to share their thoughts about creating the new edition.

So there are four big rules changes/ confirmations worth pointing out from the video:

  • There is still a double turn.
  • Choosing to go second gets you more CPs, meaning there is more strategy involved in going first or second.
  • Warscroll battalions are changing a bit, the mentioned Core Battalions have solid benefits.
  • Command points will interact with different abilities during a phase for less downtime in the phase, making the game more engaging from start to finish.

Another huge point is that the new CORE rules for AoS 3.0 will have no room for ambiguity or interpretation and are more watertight than previous editions. This might lead to a more “competitive” AoS than previously, but it will be up to the player base. While it’s normal for people to be excited about finishing their projects, the AoS team, was very vocal claiming “This is the best edition of AoS yet”. We will just have to wait and see if the community agrees when it comes out!

During the preview stream, there was also mention of a new 3.0 starter box, which of course we just saw in all its 60 model glory here from the Dominion Preview.

Big Rules Changes For Age of Sigmar 3.0


best rulesetNow they might always claim this, but clearer and better rules are always welcome. So far it seems that the 9th edition’s claim of better simpler more intuitive rules was partially successful. Hopefully, this will be true for AoS 3.0!

heroic heroesHeroes are Heros for a reason! We don’t know much, but they alluded to “Heroic Actions”! What could they be??

monster damageMonsters, just like heroes, are deserving of the tag. In AoS 3.0 Monsters will become more monstrous!

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second turnThere were hints about this before, but in AoS 3.0, you’ll get additional command points for going second, making the first set of turns a little fairer.

less downtimeA huge change coming in 3.0 is being able to interact on our opponent’s turn with “reactive command abilities”.

better magicEndless spells are getting better! Endless spells will move faster, making it harder for enemies to outrun them, meaning you’ll get more usage per cast in a game.

new army buildingAoS 3.0  will bring more “core battalions” which sounds like some generic options for every faction. Hopefully, this encourages some cool new list ideas.

narative campaignJust like with 9th edition 40k, AoS is also getting a narrative campaign to revamp, although it will still be called Path to Glory. The time for more heroic adventures is almost upon us!

How do you feel about these changes? Do you play AoS? Are you excited?

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