2015 & BLOOD ANGELS – Rumor Round-Up

By Rob Baer | November 25th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer Rumors & News

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth-d49800f - Copy

Will it be a Space Wolves release or a Grey Knights one, or what I mean is will we see new Blood Angels models soon?

Here’s how I look at it, and take this for just my personal opinion fueled by 20+ years of observation, we’ll get new models BUT not in the capacity that anyone will be fully satisfied with. It just seems like everyone has their own idea about what new models Games Workshop should make and why, like Mephiston who is over 20 years old and should be graduating college soon! 

The Grey Knight release came and went with just a box art change and a new book, BUT Stormclaw was the bridge between the Ork and Space Wolves release that saw new models for both.



Now we have the Deathstorm box set on the horizon, bridging the gap from Tyranids to Blood Angels. So either it’s Games Workshop’s new release plan, or perhaps a happy coincidence.

I think we’ll see new models but so late in the release window presented by the upcoming holidays and the fact that after Blood Angels all that is left is Necrons to be released, it’s really hard to dial it in.

Will we get new models in December? Probably not, it’s never been done before and honestly it seems like everyone’s extra cash dries up then anyways IMHO so it may be a poor idea. We’ll unless you have a movie release to drive interest, (Hobbit) that is.

163734_md-Allies, Blood Angels, Brofist, Fist Bump, Fistbump, Humor, Necrons

So here’s the real questions I think we all should consider, will we see a new splash release, similar to the recent Tyranid one BEFORE the Necrons hit? I mean sure another Blood Angels campaign box would be great with BA’s and ‘Crons, but I would imagine GW would like to distance themselves from the whole fist bumping Matt Ward era.

Plus there is only so many design dollars to go around.

Personally I think we’ll see Necrons in Q2 either as a campaign box release similar to what we’re seeing now, BUT it will be either with one of the first 6th Edition factions (Astartes?) like the Dark Angels, Chaos, or even the fabled Sisters of Battle themselves.

Checkout the rumor round-up for the Sons of Sanguinius below, courtesy of BoLS

Previous Rumors:

Codex coming in Late summer/Fall 2014

Blood Angels Rumorwave #1 7-14-2014

Mephiston: Lord of War.
Blood Angels: Gain access to the new Codex SM flyers, but not the tanks.

New “Sanguinary” unit in Terminator armor
Clam pack plastic Sanguinary Priest
New Wheeled vehicle
“Classic Character” gets a resculpt (contrary chatter split between Mephiston/Tycho)

Rumor reliability: Medium-Low, coming from both known and unknown sources

via Steve the Warboss 9-26-2014

– The Sons of Sanguinius will come soon after Endtimes Book 2.
– GW will use this release slot to replace older Space Marine Plastic sprues.
– 4-5 week are realistic.

via Steve the Warboss 10-8-2014

Blood Angels Latest:

Miniatures & Products

-New Character, a Captain (maybe 1.Company)
-Mephiston in plastic
-New Terminator Box with all weapon options
-New Assault Marine Box
-New generic Dreadnought
-Honour Guard Box (maybe only an repack)

-Mephiston will be a LoW, he turned into a “uber” psyker
-BA Painting Guide
-Suppliment featuring the new captain

New Blood Angels Lore 
-The Flesh Tearers are now watched by the Inquisition
-A Rumor make the round in the Imperium, one of the BA successor chapters are traitors (not the Flesh Tearers)
-The attitude of Imperial authorities over the BA worsen

More Blood Angels rumors 10-9-2014

-Mephiston is getting a new plastic.

Huge, standing almost as tall as a terminator. Sword low across front in right arm. Left extented over the top with hand spread…individual fingers. Looks like he’s lunging forward sweeping the blade in an uppercut. Cape blown about behind him. Model has skull and blood drop iconography all over. Aegis extends up like the cowl of the old figure but is much more recognisable as a psychic hood. Face is incredibly detailed. Fangs are visible.

Captain Tycho
-Tycho plastic is death company version.
-Has a chainsword and signature combimelta.
-DC iconography, retains nipple armor.

-Corbulo plastic is in sanguinary armor.
-Has chalice held aloft with both arms as in offering.

Terminators Set
-New Blood Angel Terminator box set.
-Makes terminators, BA captain in TA, BA Librarian in TA, or new BA terminator armored heavy unit.
-Storm Bolters are in hand not arm-mounted like gk.
-Includes power axes, fists, sbs, force sword, power sword, new 2 handed heavy cannon, heavy flamer, Assault cannon, librarian torso/tabard/shoulders/weapon, banner, captain options (combi weapons) tons of bits.

Reliability is: medium-low, coming from a mix of known and unknown sources

via dakkadakka’a Arschbombe 10-23-2014

No new model, but you will get:

DLC1: Dataslate Tycho. $20

DLC2: Dataslate Death Company Tycho $25.

latest rumors 10-30-2014

Multiple sources are now saying to look for:

– Blood Angel, Tyranids & Necron Campaign
– Limited boxed set will accompany the campaign modeled after the Stormclaw product
– Box will include Ba vs Tyranid opposing forces led by:
– Plastic Blood Angel Captain
– Named Tyranid Character (Prime most commonly names, but Lictor or Broodlord possible)

Look for this before the new year.

Gary’s got two commenters saying this this 11-15-2014

via e9832a04-6d07-11e4-9637-1fd442c0eb49 or conspiracynutt (was posted under both names)

Ok, this is either going to go down like a lead balloon or I may have just found the holy grail of rumour farming!!!!

So here goes, the next book being released for the campaign is….
Shield of Baal:Exterminatus.

Not only that but the Blood angels codex is coming with this funky little tidbit:
Codex Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition
As well as:
Blood Angels Data Cards(English)

I know people will throw salt all over this, but I believe it is genuine and I have proof but I just don’t want to give it away just yet in case Games Workshop patch that particular hole because it could be a potential gold mine for info.

via Nightfury

“The Sanguinary Guard edition will be similar to the wolfguard limited edition SW codex with counters and an artfolio.. should go up for preorders the last week in november if the timetable is correct along with the much anticipated LE boxed set that will almost certainly include the new tyranid broodlord i told you about a few weeks ago”

So take that with some salt – as it comes from two commenter’s on Faeit 212

Gary’s got a live one 11-21-2014

Shield of Baal Week 2 Products

two releases next week for 40k and the rest is hobbit and some bases.
Shield of Baal box set $125 25 miniatures, campaign supplement, and rules
Shield of Baal: Deasthstorm $24 hardback 125pgs

Contents of the box set
Small Rulebook with Blood Angels on Front
Campaign Supplement -40pages
3 missions, rules and dataslates for each model, two formations- Strike Force Deathstorm and Phodian Annihilation Swarm

Blood Angels Strike Force- 12 models
Captain Karlean, 5 terminators, 5 deasth company, and a death company dreadnought

Phodian Annihilation Swarm- 13 models
Spawn of Cryptus, 8 genestrealers, 3 warriors, and a carnifex

The Spawn of Cryptus is a very large Broodlord towering over the height of warriors. Both the Spawn of Cryptus and Captian Karlean are new models.

Shield of Baal: Deathstorm CONFIRMED!

Shield of Baal: Deathstorm (WD44 Cover)
Attachment 11875

via L’Astropate 11-24-2014




– The box “Shield of Baal: Deathstorm” contains the following figures:
Karlaen – captain in terminator armor of angels and bloodthirsty “Spawn of Cryptus,” Lord of the Swarm Tyranid (both miniatures are completely new); 1 Death Company Blood Angels (5 miniatures), 5 and 1 Dreadnought Space Marine Terminator Death Company; 3 Tyranid Warriors, 8 Genestealers and 1 Carnifex; 1 book for rules and one for the country (both in English). The availability will be limited as Stormclaw.

Last edited by Bigred; Yesterday at 02:11 PM.



About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.