28 New Ad Mech Codex Stratagems Spotted

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With the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex one week away from release, we are starting to see more of what is inside. Let’s take a look!

Winters SEO got his hands on an advanced copy of the Ad Mech Codex. While his review was a bit salty, we got a great look at Traits, Relics, Stratagems, and more. We will be focusing on Stratagems in this article, so be sure to keep checking back with us for more on the traits, relics, and Forge World Dogmas. Now, there are 28 Stratagems in total, with 20 being unique to the Ad Mech, 7 that are Forge World specific, and 1 that is specific to the Questor Imperialis.

Adeptus Mechanicus Stratagems 3

These Stratagems are varied with some already appearing to be the ones that will be used the most. Some of these we have already seen from Community posts, so we will not bother with those. Now, Ad Mech do get to equip more than one relic with the Archeotech Specialists. Several focus on the Canticles of the Omnissiah. Gloria Mechanicus, for 2CP, will allow to change a canticle that has already been canted by letting you re-roll or letting you choose a canticle that has not yet already been chosen. Divine Chorus, for 2CP, will allow you to select a canticle that has already been chosen. You must use this Stratagem before determining which canticle will be in effect.

Stratagem Knight of the Cog

The other Stratagem that focus on canticles will affect Imperial Knights. The reason for this being that Imperial Knights are not able to be blessed by canticles normally. They cannot be part any <Forgeworld> either so….. The only way to aid your Knights will be with the Stratagem Knight of the Cog, for 1CP, which allows a your Imperial Knight to gain the Canticles of the Omnissiah for that battle round. The caveat is that the Knight must be within 12″ of Adeptus Mechanicus Character for this Stratagem to be used. Other Stratagems that will affect Imperial Knights are Rotate Ion Shields: For 1CP, it will add 1 to your Knight’s invulnerable save throws for that phase; and Machine Spirit Resurgent: For 1CP, you can use a Knight’s/Ad Mech vehicle’s top damage table row, regardless of how many wounds it has sustained, until the end of the turn. Lastly, there is Benevolence of the Omnissiah: For 1CP, your Ad Mech Vehicle/Imperial Knight can ignore mortal wounds on 5+ for that phase.

Ad Mech Stratagems

Don’t worry, there are plenty of Stratagems to go around. Skitarii get two: Protector and Conqueror Doctrina Imperatives. Protector Doctrina: For 1CP, add 1 to all hit rolls for the Shooting phase for the selected Skitarii unit. Conqueror Doctrina: For 1 CP, add 1 to all hit rolls during the Fight phase for the selected Skitarii unit. Both Stratagems can be influenced by enhanced and broad spectrum data-tethers, which will bump the +1 to a +2 to hit.

Want to hold an objective at all costs? Acquisition at Any Cost will have any selected Ad Mech <Infantry> unit within 3″ of an objective add one to all saving throws and add 1 to all Attack characteristics. It costs 2CP and can be used at the end of any of your turns. Want to make your Fast Attack Dragoons or Ironstirders Advance even faster? Dunestrider, for 1CP, will have you rolling two dice and adding the results together when determining how much further that unit can move.

Stratagems Ad Mech ForgeWorlds 1

Now, we have seen several of the Forgeworld Stratagems already. Let’s cover the ones we have not seen. Stygies VIII plays its part of the secretive Forgeworld quite well with their Stratagem Clandestine Infiltration: For 1CP, you can setup a Stygies VIII unit to ambush during the deployment phase. At the beginning of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, said unit reveals itself anywhere on the battlefield and more than 9″ from any enemy models.

Forgeworld Metalica has Deafening Assault: For 1CP, at the start of any Morale phase, select a Metalica unit and all enemy units within 6″ of that unit must subtract from from their Leadership characteristic for that phase.

Forgeworld RyzaForgeworld Ryza has Plasma Specialists: For 1CP, a Ryza unit can, at the start of the Shooting Phase, add 1 to wound rolls made for all that unit’s plasma weapons and the increase damage done by said plasma weapons by 1. If the weapon name has the word “plasma” in it, then this Stratagem applies.

There are several more Stratagems out there that we will cover as soon as we got our own copy. From what we can see, these Stratagems do offer solid options for Ad Mech players and do cover the obvious lack of any support for the Questor Imperialis.

What do you think of these Stratagems so far? What were you hoping to see? Let us know in the comments below!

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