3 New FAQs: 40k Chapter Approved, Points & Sisters FAQ

new-faq-sisters-and-chapter-approvedDon’t get too worried, none of the missions themselves are changing, but check out the new Sisters FAQ and points changes!

GW hasn’t been really giving updates on Warhammer Community when the FAQs go live, so you kind of have to just keep checking back. But, generally, a little while after a new book comes out, so does the subsequent FAQ. This one is small enough for us to show everything right here, but if you want to download it for yourself, you can here.

While this isn’t huge, there are a couple of changes in there that make a big difference in-game, but they are what we expected, mainly the Paragon Warsuits.

We feel like most people were already playing them like this, so it shouldn’t change your actual games. The Mission Pack, as we said, doesn’t change any of the actual mission, but little changes to the rare rules. Lastly, they put out a tiny amount of points changes in the Field Manual for Drukhari.

GW Releases New Sisters FAQ & Mission Pack Changes

Sisters FAQNothing crazy here, this is pretty much exactly what we expected to come out because first, it doesn’t make sense they are 240 points each, and obviously, they didn’t mean for them to reduce damage past 1. So, nothing too crazy here.

40k Points ChangesAgain, nothing crazy here, just some tiny changes, so let’s look at what is being added to the Mission Pack 2021.

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GT Mission Pack 2021

FAQThere is a little more than this in the FAQ, so if you want to see all the changes, you can download it here. First up, if you resurrect models, your opponent can still target them as if they haven’t had any attacks allocated to them. You can also use rules on units that came in as reinforcements as well.

Mission Pack changesThis makes sense as the power hasn’t fully gone off yet. Meaning if you are testing against toughness, you have to use the original value before your power affects the unit.

Did you notice anything surprising in the Mission Pack changes it looks to all just be the rare rules interactions for now?

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