3 New Rules for AoS Hedonites of Slaanesh

By Travis Pasch | February 10th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Slaanesh, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Hedonites of slaanesh r3 new rules were revealed by GW for the Hedonites of Slaanesh that will be the main building blocks for how your army functions!

Warhammer Community showed the various ways you can build your force and how that will change their play style. Whether you want your army to be faster, stronger in bigger numbers, or have heroes with all the power, they have something for you!

With the pre-order hitting Saturday, it’s time to start getting excited! Honestly, the minis are some of the coolest and most consistent releases they’ve done in a while if you ask us. Let’s get into it!

3 New Rules for AoS Hedonites of Slaanesh

hedonites of slaanesh battletomeFrom the grim darkness of the far future, our festive sleigh ride takes us to the Mortal Realms. In our last Warhammer Preview Online, we showed off some of the incredible new Hedonites of Slaanesh models that are on the way, including the legendary Sigvald the Magnificent. 

Glutos OrscollionLast but by no means least, the realms’ pre-eminent gourmand rides atop his spectacular palanquin on his quest to sample the most exquisite flavours he can lay his hands on. Glutos Orscollion is both a consummate mage and is flanked by skilled fighters, making him the perfect Leader for your Hedonite force.

These are just some of the new minis coming out with the release! If you want to see all 11 of the new units/minis coming out, check it out here! Now though, let’s get into the new rules!


Blissbarb Seekers

  • They gain an extra inch on all charge moves (whether mounted or not)
  • A Godseeker host can take Seeker Chariots as a Battleline unit

Well, if you wanted to take an all mounted force full of Seekers and Chariots, this is the way to go!


Myrmidesh Painbringers

  • Allow you to take 3 generals
  • Taking a Lord of Pain will unlock Myrmidesh Painbringers and Symbaresh Twinsouls as Battleline units.

Looks like you will have plenty of options for more elite forces with the Hedonites. Also, they don’t say how many wounds, but they do mention the Myrmidesh Painbringers and Symbaresh Twinsouls will have more than one wound. 


Sigvald the Magnificent

  •  A Pretender general can select two different command traits to take into battle
  • All Pretender units with 10 or more models can re-roll hit rolls of 1, whether at range or in melee combat

Well, if you want to take Sigvald this seems the perfect way to do it! Also, you can grab some big units of Daemonettes or Blissbarb Archers and get a little more consistency in your hit rolls.

That does it for the three new rules, but it is pretty awesome to have so much variety for your Battleline units.

Which style of army are you most excited for? Which new mini/unit is your favorite looking?

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