GW Confirms Hedonites of Slaanesh & More New Releases

New-Next-Week-wal-hor-gw17 new releases are on the way next week for Hedonites of Slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine, as GW just confirmed what’s going up for pre-order next for Warhammer!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases coming our way next week!

new next week slaanesh

Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome

hedonites of slaanesh battletomeIn Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh, your deepest desires for lore, warscrolls, and much more will surely be sated across 128 pages saturated with sumptuous artwork and tales of delightful revelry. For the truly indulgent among you, a limited edition version is also available, featuring a soft-touch cover, gilt page edges, and a ribbon marker. Be warned, though, only 560 individually numbered copies will be available, so be ready to pre-order yours as soon as they go live.

As always there will be a normal and E-Book version as well, so you’ll have 3 options if you decide to buy it, just don’t wait too long for the collector’s edition! Those tend to sell out fast!

Hedonites of Slaanesh Datacards

hedonites of slaanesh datacardsBe sure to always keep your warscroll cards handy for when the heady delirium of battle makes it far too difficult to tear your eyes away from the table and burrow through a book.

Datacards are great, especially for speeding up the first couple of games while you are still learning the faction.

Hedonites of Slaanesh Dice

hedonites diceShow your allegiance to Slaanesh throughout your games with a pack of hypnotic purple and gold dice.

Perfect for both AoS and Warhammer 40k!

Lord of Pain

lord of painLeading their diabolical pageant come the Lords of Pain, glorious champions of Slaanesh armed with a wealth of experience and wicked soulpiercer maces.

Previously only in the Shadow and Pain box set, now it looks like they will offer it seperately, which is nice to see especially with the battletome releasing.


shardspeekerAlongside them are the infamous Shardspeakers, who use their relic mirrors to lend a spot of wizardry to their compatriots from the safety of the back lines.

Slaanesh is also getting their own dedicated spellcasters, or at the very least, magic-themed support pieces. We’ll have to see which this will be when the battletome gets more rules revealed.

Myrmidesh Painbringers

Myrmidesh PainbringersAs the elite warrior-cults of the Hedonite hosts, Myrmidesh Painbringers are proud exemplars of their graceful fighting style and stand ready to slice up anyone who would try to prove otherwise

These are essentially the equivalent of Chaos Warriors for Slaanesh. Heavily armored front line fighters. We can only hope they will be reasonably costed and battleline so people will actually play them.

Symbaresh Twinsouls

Symbaresh TwinsoulsSome take their obsession even further and consort with ancient evils to attain greater power, becoming Symbaresh Twinsouls as they share their body with lesser daemons.

The Twinsouls are a more specialized version of the Painbringers and actually come from the same core kit. They do however trade in their sword and shields for different load-outs and seem to be half-demon, so expect to see some unique rules revolving around that.

Blissbarb Archers

Blissbarb ArchersBlissbarb Archers form the Battleline of a cult’s army, showering their foes in a storm of poison-tipped arrows while laughing with sadistic glee. Although they may be the lowest class of Sybarite, they’re no less dangerous than their more exalted brethren.

It’s nice to see some battleline ranged options for the army. Ranged is pretty uncommon in AoS, so adding some more (if it’s balanced) is healthy for the game.

Blissbard Seekers

Blissbarb SeekersWhen mounted on Exalted Steeds of Slaanesh, the Blissbarb become Seekers tasked with roaming the battlefield at breakneck speed, loosing arrows into the enemy from unexpected quarters.

The big brother to the Blissbard Archers are these mounted variants. for what is assumed to be a few extra points, you might get some extra movement and wounds to help add a little more strategy to your ranged gameplan.  Supposedly these are some of the fastest units in Age of Sigmar!

Slickblade Seekers

Slickblade SeekersThey are joined by the Slickblade Seekers, imperious aristocrats of war whose deadly glaives lop off heads and limbs with contemptuous ease when their lightning-fast charge thunders into the enemy ranks.

Slickblade Seekers for the main source of melee cavalry in the army and as such will be expected to move fast and be good on the charge with their spears.

Slaangor Fiendbloods

Slaangor FiendbloodsSlaangor Fiendbloods are lithe and frighteningly strong beasts blessed with razor-sharp pincer claws which they use to snip limbs from bodies as they charge into combat, heedless of the danger to themselves. A few can turn the tide of battle in their favour, while a full horde can endanger even the toughest of opponent.

Slaangors look awesome, and the god-specific beastmen getting a new updated model in encouraging for the other gods who still don’t have their own.

Sigvald the Magnificent

Sigvald the MagnificentIf you’re looking for a duellist par excellence, look no further than Sigvald the Magnificent. The Mortal Realms’ most accomplished swordsman, Sigvald is a terror on the battlefield capable of laying low your enemies’ Heroes and Monsters with an ease truly befitting the Dark Prince’s favoured son.

Sigvald’s new update not only looks stunning but updates his story as well. As you can tell he’s begun to ascend to daemon hood. Perhaps next time we see him updated he will be a full daemon prince!

Glutos Orscollion

Glutos OrscollionLast but by no means least, the realms’ pre-eminent gourmand rides atop his spectacular palanquin on his quest to sample the most exquisite flavours he can lay his hands on. Glutos Orscollion is both a consummate mage and is flanked by skilled fighters, making him the perfect Leader for your Hedonite force.

This model is huge and really adds to the idea of a lord war-like leader in charge of the faction. While Sigvald is a great option in terms of lore, this model screams to be the centerpiece of your forces.

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Daughters of Khaine Battletome

Daughters of Khaine battletomeFreshly invigorated by the tumultuous events of Broken Realms: Morathi, the Daughters of Khaine march to war in the name of their newly ascended god. Like their mortal enemies, the Hedonites of Slaanesh, their battletome contains over a hundred pages of lore, rules, and more for the Order Grand Alliance’s bloodiest warriors.

It’s great to see their faction getting an update with assumably new lore after the developments in Broken Realms: Morathi. perhaps this will be a new trend?

Daughters of Khaine Battletome – Collectors Edition

Daughters of Khaine collectors battletomeThe Daughters of Khaine also have a limited edition version of their own, perfect for displaying your devotion to the God of Murder on your mantelpiece and sure to start many… interesting conversations with guests.

These are as usual going to be very limited, so make sure you get it while you can, otherwise you will probably miss out.

Daughters of Khaine Endless Spells

Daughters of Khaine endless spells

Claw your way into the new battletome and you’ll find, among all the updates to classic units like Witch Aelves and Morathi herself, three new endless spells to wreak havoc on your foes. The models for these will arrive alongside the book, and they’re appropriately gory to behold.

Endless spells are one of the super unique aspects in AoS that help add to the unique flavor of each army on the tabletop, so they seem to be a welcome addition to any faction.

Daughters of Khaine Dice

Daughters of Khaine diceFinally, a set of dice in a classically grim blood-red colour is on the way for the Daughters of Khaine.

With the release of the Hedonites of Slaanesh update, will you grab anything? Are you excited about the Daughters of Khaine update this week? How about those sweet Models?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!