Sisters of Battle Blessings, Hymns, & Secondaries: New 40k Rules

codex-sisters-of-battle-adepta-soritas-title-rules-40kHere are all the new Adepta Sororitas 40k rules including Blessings, Hymns, and Secondaries, from their new Sisters of Battle codex book for 9th Edition 40k!

Tons of rule previews have been coming out for a while over on Warhammer Community, and now all of these rules can be found in the latest codex reviews on YouTube as well

Sisters of Battle Blessings, Hymns, & Secondaries: New 40k Rules

If you missed any of our previous posts, can check out all the new Sisters of Battle rules from our articles below:

sisters codex

Sisters of Battle 9th Edition 40k Release Lineup & Pricing

40k Adepta Sororitas 9th Edition Blessings

Sisters of Battle Character rulesThese blessings are made up of two parts: the first is a persistent effect that applies all battle long, while the second can only be temporarily activated by expending a Miracle die. Using a die with a particularly high number will extend the range at which the effect works, so make sure you weigh up your options against needing a particularly high roll elsewhere.

Essentially when you are mustering your army, you can upgrade any Cannoness or Palatine models by giving them one blessing. Blessings cost points and add power ranking to the model. Named characters can’t get a blessing and each model can only have one.

You use the Miraculous ability portion of the blessings in-game by discarding miracle dice during your command phase.  You can only activate one miraculous ability per command phase and each ability once per game. You can discard additional dice to increase the range as shown above.

For the first half of Blessing options, Divine Deliverance has a strong constant ability, essentially giving you a 50-50 shot of turning off some aura abilities, which can be very strong. However, the Miraculous portion is mediocre, allowing you to at most lower a unit’s leadership by 3.

Word of the Emperor is obviously very combat-focused, with the consistent one forcing your enemy to fight last. The single-use is pretty crazy and will be perfect for taking out units with good invuln saves when you have some high AP attacks coming in.

As for the second half, Emperor’s Grace looks sweet. Healing d3 every turn can be awesome on a tanky-er unit. The miraculous ability is also good, preventing all reroll within its bubble. Depending on your opponent’s list, if they are trying to abuse as many re-rolls as possible, this can really shut off their value.

40k Adepta Sororitas 9th Edition Hymns

A good option in this first set is Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude which GW had this to say about:

Alternatively, if you’re up against an army of infernal witches, such as Magnus the Red and his cadre, you might want some protection from their warp-spawned magics. Have your Priests lead a rousing Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude to drown them out.

If you need to keep a certain unit from psychic powers, then this is the way to go. It will remove all debuffs from them and keep them safe through your next turn. Meaning in a sense they could get protected from two powers.

A good option in this second set is Catechism of Repugnance which GW had this to say about:

Every Priest in your army can intone a hymn they know during your Command phase. If it’s inspiring, your army dances to the beat, earning some form of bonus. For example, want to make your bolt weapons sing a song of sweet death that will really get stuck in their head? Chant the Catechism of Repugnance.

Both of the bonuses of this are pretty sweet! Not having to roll a wound can make your normal bolters get through some seriously tough enemies much easier. On top of that, if you’re in half range, you will get to rapid-fire and have an additional AP. This means your bolters can dish out some serious damage.

40k Sisters of Battle 9th Edition Secondaries

As for the secondaries, Purge the Enemy seems the best but it is keyword Adeptus Minitorum, so be sure to keep that in mind. Essentially each round you can get 1 point for killing a unit with a bolter, 1 point for killing a unit with a melta, and 1 point for killing a unit with a flamer. If you manage all three in a turn you’ll get a bonus point for a total of 4. Depending on the size of enemy units, you should be able to do 2 of these each round and maybe the 3rd.

The ceiling for the objective is 20 points, but granted that’s nearly impossible, you’ll probably land closer to the 7-10 range, which is still good for a low-stress objective that you can naturally get through the game without changing your game pay too much.

What are your thoughts on all these 40k Sisters of Battle Blessings, Hymns, and Secondaries 40k Rules? Which Hymn is your favorite?

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