40k Kill Team New Release Bundle Lineup & Pricing

By Tim Roberts | July 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Get the full rundown on the new 40k Kill Team releases from GW this week, along with all the great new accessories and bundles.

Kill Team is back in a big way! Games Workshop has gone all in on this new edition of their Warhammer 40k skirmish game with great new terrain and accessories. Let’s take a look!

Kill Team Starter Collection: $180

Kill Team Starter Collection

This bundle collects together the full box set with all the accessories you could desire – Datacards and a carry case! – for a complete Kill Team experience. Included:

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

A fast paced tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team pits teams of elite specialists, ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against each other in vicious battles to the bitter end. A single squad of well-trained and well-equipped warriors can tip the balance of a wider conflict – with Kill Team, you’ll play through countless stories of your own devising that could alter the fate of the galaxy itself. In the box:

– A 208-page softback core manual which contains not only the rules you need in order to play with the included miniatures, but complete rules for choosing and constructing a kill team from 16 Warhammer 40,000 factions (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids and Genestealer Cults), along with background explaining the importance of kill teams to the wider battle for supremacy;
– 2 kill teams, made up of 10 plastic Genestealer Cults Hybrids and 10 Skitarii Rangers, along with 2 8-page booklets covering these kill teams, featuring background, painted examples and a timeline of their history;
– 8 plastic frames of scenery, making up a collection of Sector Imperialis buildings for your kill teams to battle over;
– 36 Tactics cards used by any kill team, 12 cards specifically for Genestealer Cults and 10 cards specifically for Adeptus Mechanicus kill teams, 10 datacards each for Genestealer Cults and Adeptus Mechanicus kill teams and 10 blank Datacards;
– A double-sided 22” x 30” gaming board, 8 dice, gaming tokens and a range ruler.

Kill Team Datacards

This is a set of 36 Tactics cards, usable by any Kill Team faction, and 25 blank Datacards:

– 36 Tactics cards – these can be used by any faction, and are split between Leader Specialists, Combat Specialists, Comms Specialists, Demolitions Specialists, Heavy Specialists, Medic Specialists, Scout Specialists, Sniper Specialists, Veteran Specialists and Zealot Specialists;
– 25 blank datacards – these feature space for names, stats, loadout and experience, allowing you to build your own custom Kill Teams whichever faction you choose.

Kill Team Carry Case

Perfect for transporting your Kill Team to and from games, this is a carry case constructed from rigid foam – strong enough to protect your miniatures from crushing, flexible enough to provide protection from impact. Smaller than a Citadel Skirmish case, it can nonetheless hold up to 20 models – even larger troops such as Ogryns – with the same channel foam inside cushioning them. Rather than a clasp, the Kill Team Carry Case is secured with a zip which runs around its entire circumference, and it even includes space under the channel foam for your Kill Team datasheets!

This case is coloured black, with an attractive Kill Team logo picked out in orange.

Kill Team Essentials Collection: $55

Kill Team Essentials Collection

Covering the rules and datacards you need to play games of Kill Team, this is the bundle for the collector who already has the miniatures – in it, you’ll find the Core Manual, and a set of datacards. You’ll be running skirmish campaigns with your Warhammer 40,000 miniatures in no time.

Kill Team Core Manual

The Core Manual is a 208-page softback book which contains complete rules for choosing and constructing a kill team from 16 factions in the Warhammer 40,000 range (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids and Genestealer Cults), along with background explaining the importance of kill teams to the wider battle for supremacy:

Kill Team Datacards

Kill Teams must necessarily be able to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances of their mission, reacting to new threats and employing specialist equipment. When you run a Battle-forged Kill Team, as outlined in the Kill Team Core Manual, you gain access to Command Points – these are spent on Tactics; special abilities for each type of troop that can change the flow of battle when judiciously applied. This set of cards is a handy reference for the 36 universal Tactics from the Kill Team Core Manual, along with 25 blank datacards which you can use to record the names and deeds of your own kill team.

-36 Tactics cards – these can be used by any faction, and are split between Leader Specialists, Combat Specialists, Comms Specialists, Demolitions Specialists, Heavy Specialists, Medic Specialists, Scout Specialists, Sniper Specialists, Veteran Specialists and Zealot Specialists;
-25 blank datacards – these feature space for names, stats, loadout and experience, allowing you to build your own custom Kill Teams whichever faction you choose.

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team$130

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team

A fast paced tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team pits teams of elite specialists, ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against each other in vicious skirmish battles to the bitter end. A single squad of well-trained and well-equipped warriors can tip the balance of a wider conflict – with Kill Team, you’ll play through countless stories of your own devising that could alter the fate of the galaxy itself.

Games of Kill Team are based around small but powerful squads of warriors rather than huge armies. Every single model commanded is vitally important to your strategy, and will develop its own personality, history and abilities with each game you play. In this box set, you’ll find everything you need to play games of Kill Team – from the comprehensive rulebook that covers Open, Narrative and Matched play games (and campaigns!), 2 complete 10-man plastic Kill Teams from the Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cults factions, a huge set of Imperial Ruins scenery and a gameboard to play on. Included:

Core Manual

Kill Team contains a 208-page softback core manual which contains not only the rules you need in order to play with the included miniatures, but rules for choosing and constructing a kill team from 16 factions in the Warhammer 40,000 range (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids and Genestealer Cults), along with background explaining the importance of kill teams to the wider battle for supremacy:


– Shadow War: this section of the book takes you through the roles of kill teams in the 41st Millennium – whether surgically removing an enemy commander or dangerous demagogue, desperately fighting their way through a battlefield to reinforce stranded comrades or finding themselves the last line of defence against an overwhelming force, every battle between kill teams tells a story of heroism and adventure;
– Heroes All: every kill team is different, but all have certain features in common – each features a charismatic, cunning or domineering leader and specialists, skilled individuals who bring vital equipment and talents;
– Theatres of War: the supreme commanders of the 41st Millennium have incredible military might at their disposal, and yet there are many scenarios in which the precise application of a small, highly trained force is appropriate. Thousands of war zones have seen drastic changes after a kill team incursion; this section describes but a few of the myriad different environments these small squads have battled in.


– Core Rules: covering the basics of Kill Team, this section takes you through exactly what you need in order to play, explains how to interpret and use datasheets, and how to set up your battle. It takes you through Battle Rounds, which consist of Initiative, Movement, Psychic, Shooting, Fighting and Morale phases with annotated, easy to follow guides and photographs;
– Fighting a Battle: here you’ll learn how the structure of your game will be defined – deciding on a mission, setting up the battlefield, and deploying your kill teams. Included is an example Open Play mission – Covert War – which serves as an easy introduction;
– Advanced Rules: this section adds a variety of optional rules for complexity and depth, recommended for use after players are familiar with the core rules. It includes different types of terrain, rules for climbing, mantling, leaping over gaps and covers damage received by falling from heights;
– Killzones: these are environment-specific rules, adding danger and advantages according to the area your miniatures find themselves in. This section includes Sector Imperialis rules, which are designed for use with the scenery found in the box;
– Missions: this section introduces 3 Open, 4 Matched and 4 Narrative play missions, showing you how to pick and choose elements from each to create your own games, the way you want to play them. It includes details of the Scouting Phase, in which planning, preparing and luck can dictate the direction of the battle to be fought. Each included mission features advice on selecting your teams, setup, deployment and victory conditions;
– Kill Teams: this section takes you through building your kill team in a thorough and easy to follow manner, covering Open, Matched and Narrative play-specific teams;
– Command Points: Matched play kill teams can be Battle-forged – this section describes the tactics specific to these teams;
– Specialists: these are experienced fighters with certain abilities, split into 9 disciplines: Leader, Combat, Comms, Demolitions, Heavy, Medic, Scout, Sniper, Veteran and Zealot, each featuring 3 exclusive Tactics. These Tactics are increasingly powerful, and are unlocked by acquiring experience during a campaign;
– Background information for each of the following factions: Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids, and Genestealer Cults. This section can be used to add character to your kill team, with name and characteristic generators, faction-specific Tactics, and even quirks for each of your squad members. Each faction also features datasheets and comprehensive wargear tables with points lists and abilities.


Kill Team can be played and enjoyed in one-off missions, but included are a suite of comprehensive optional rules for fighting multiple battles in a connected series, forming a narrative of covert battles fought alongside a greater war. This section of the book walks you through a Kill Team campaign: the victory conditions, how to select missions, gain experience and upgrade your team, deal with injuries, manage resources and even escalate conflict. This includes blank command rosters and datasheets which you can photocopy and use to keep track of your campaign.

On top of all this is a miniatures showcase, brimming with inspirational photos of kill teams and battle scenes.


2 complete multi-part plastic kill teams are included, from the Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cults factions, along with a huge collection of Imperial scenery:

– 10 Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids armed with autoguns, autopistols and blasting charges. Any model can replace their autogun with a shotgun – 10 are included – and 2 models can take special weapons chosen from a seismic cannon, heavy stubber or mining laser. 1 model can be upgraded to a Neophyte Leader, armed with either a web pistol, autopistol or bolt pistol and a chainsword, power pick or close combat weapon, and 1 model can take a Cult icon;
– 10 Skitarii Rangers armed with arc rifles, including options for an Alpha armed with either a radium or arc pistol and a close combat weapon (either a power sword, taser goad or arc maul). Optionally, you can assemble these as 10 Skitarii Vanguard armed with radium carbines – whichever you choose, 3 models can carry special weapons – available to you are a transuranic arquebus, an arc rifle and a plasma caliver, the last of which includes a specific head and backpack;
– 2 8-page booklets covering these kill teams, featuring background, painted examples and a timeline of their history;
– 3 frames of Sector Imperialis buildings, each making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;
– 2 frames of ruins and floors: each contains 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– 2 frames of walls and windows: each contains 4 complete wall sections, along with 4 columns, 1 ruined column top piece, 2 column top pieces, a vent and 2 small lamps;
– 1 frame of columns: 4 complete columns, 1 large archway, 2 support arches, 2 small lamps, 4 top pieces for the columns and 2 small broken floor sections.

Tactics Cards

Included for easy reference are the following small-format tactics cards:

– 36 Universal Tactics cards which can be used by any kill team;
– 10 Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics cards, usable exclusively by that faction;
– 12 Genestealer Cults Tactics cards, usable exclusively by that faction;
– 10 Adeptus Mechanicus and 10 Genestealer Cults datacards for reference during your games, with 10 blank datacards supplied for building your own custom kill teams.

Also supplied are a double-sided gaming board measuring 22” x 30” with a Sector Imperialis city layout on both sides, 6 x D6, 2 x D10, a clear plastic 12” range ruler, a selection of gaming tokens themed around the Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cults

Kill Team: Fangs of Ulfrich: $60

Kill Team Fangs of Ulfrich

Amongst the Chapters of Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves are renowned for their ferocity in battle and unwavering loyalty. The Fangs of Ulfrich exemplify these warrior ideals, though they fight their wars far from the front lines against those enemies who would hide in the shadows.

An expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this box includes 5 plastic miniatures, a scenery set (with exclusive rules!), and brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included:

– 5 Primaris Reivers: supplied on grey plastic, these can be used to represent the Fangs of Ulfrich or your own Adeptus Astartes Kill Team. Included are a glut of weapon options; 5 heavy bolt pistols, 6 bolt carbines, 7 grapnel launchers and 7 combat knives. Each model can be assembled with grav-chutes and full or half-face helms, and there are 2 bare head options for a Sergeant;
– A Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack: evoking the acrid, pollution-thick atmosphere that the dark industry of a forge world creates, this kit – supplied on Rhinox Hide coloured plastic – comprises a central dome, an external tank and a series of chimneys. This modular terrain is entirely compatible with all Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis scenery, including that found in the Kill Team box set;
– 13 Tactics cards and 2 Mission cards: the Tactics cards are split between the 6 Adeptus Astartes Tactics taken from the Kill Team Core Manual and 6 Adeptus Astartes Tactics exclusive to this set, giving you new ways to play with your Adeptus Astartes kill team. Also included is a Tactics card for the Alchomite Stack, providing rules for incorporating this into your games. The 2 Mission cards are split between 1 Matched Play and 1 Narrative Play mission;
– An 8-page booklet describing the Fangs of Ulfrich, their history and background, along with a showcase of painted miniatures and a timeline of their deployments;
– 5 datacards for the Fangs of Ulfrich, ready for you to use right away;
– A sheet of card gaming tokens, including 10 Move/Charge tokens, 10 Fall Back/Advance tokens, 10 Shaken tokens, 10 Ready/Shoot tokens, and 6 Objective tokens;
– A sheet of squad marking decals to add to the Reivers.

Kill Team: Krogskull’s Boyz: $60

Kill Team Krogskull’s Boyz

As the warp storms that formed the Great Rift first began to rage around Vigilus, hordes of Orks poured out from the cosmic maelstroms. Amongst the manifold mobs that descended upon the Imperial world were those whose violent sprees set them apart – Krogskull’s Boyz are one such mob.

An expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this box includes 5 plastic miniatures, a scenery set (with exclusive rules!), and brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included:

– 5 Burna Boyz: supplied on green plastic, these can be used to represent Krogskull’s Boyz, or your own Orks kill team. Each is armed with a burna, with the kit including a big shoota and rokkit launcher which you can use, and there is the option to build a Mek with kustom mega-blasta. Optionally, you can build these models as Lootas;
– A set of Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Servohaulers: comprising 2 haulers and a large crane, this is a set of skeletal, austere industrial scenery perfect for Kill Team. This modular terrain is entirely compatible with all Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis scenery, including that found in the Kill Team box set;
– 13 Tactics cards and 2 Mission cards: the Tactics cards are split between the 6 Orks Tactics taken from the Kill Team Core Manual and 6 Orks Tactics exclusive to this set, giving you new ways to play with your Orks kill team. Also included is a Tactics card for the Galvanic Servohaulers, providing rules for incorporating them into your games. The 2 Mission cards are split between 1 Matched Play and 1 Narrative Play mission;
– An 8-page booklet describing Krogskull’s Boyz, their history and background, along with a showcase of painted miniatures and a timeline of their scuffles;
– 5 datacards for Krogskull’s Boyz, ready for you to use right away;
– A sheet of card gaming tokens, including 10 Move/Charge tokens, 10 Fall Back/Advance tokens, 10 Shaken tokens, 10 Ready/Shoot tokens, and 6 Objective tokens.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Core Manual: $40Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Core Manual

A fast paced tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team pits teams of elite specialists, ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against each other in vicious skirmish battles to the bitter end. A single squad of well-trained and well-equipped warriors can tip the balance of a wider conflict – with Kill Team, you’ll play through countless stories of your own devising that could alter the fate of the galaxy itself.

The Core Manual is a 208-page softback book which contains complete rules for choosing and constructing a kill team from 16 factions in the Warhammer 40,000 range (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids and Genestealer Cults), along with background explaining the importance of kill teams to the wider battle for supremacy:


– Shadow War: this section of the book takes you through the roles of kill teams in the 41st Millennium – whether surgically removing an enemy commander or dangerous demagogue, desperately fighting their way through a battlefield to reinforce stranded comrades or finding themselves the last line of defence against an overwhelming force, every battle between kill teams tells a story of heroism and adventure;
– Heroes All: every kill team is different, but all have certain features in common – each features a charismatic, cunning or domineering leader and specialists, skilled individuals who bring vital equipment and talents;
– Theatres of War: the supreme commanders of the 41st Millennium have incredible military might at their disposal, and yet there are many scenarios in which the precise application of a small, highly trained force is appropriate. Thousands of war zones have seen drastic changes after a kill team incursion; this section describes but a few of the myriad different environments these small squads have battled in.


– Core Rules: covering the basics of Kill Team, this section takes you through exactly what you need in order to play, explains how to interpret and use datasheets, and how to set up your battle. It takes you through Battle Rounds, which consist of Initiative, Movement, Psychic, Shooting, Fighting and Morale phases with annotated, easy to follow guides and photographs;
– Fighting a Battle: here you’ll learn how the structure of your game will be defined – deciding on a mission, setting up the battlefield, and deploying your kill teams. Included is an example Open Play mission – Covert War – which serves as an easy introduction;
– Advanced Rules: this section adds a variety of optional rules for complexity and depth, recommended for use after players are familiar with the core rules. It includes different types of terrain, rules for climbing, mantling, leaping over gaps and covers damage received by falling from heights;
– Killzones: these are environment-specific rules, adding danger and advantages according to the area your miniatures find themselves in. This section includes Sector Imperialis rules, which are designed for use with the scenery found in the box;
– Missions: this section introduces 3 Open, 4 Matched and 4 Narrative play missions, showing you how to pick and choose elements from each to create your own games, the way you want to play them. It includes details of the Scouting Phase, in which planning, preparing and luck can dictate the direction of the battle to be fought. Each included mission features advice on selecting your teams, setup, deployment and victory conditions;
– Kill Teams: this section takes you through building your kill team in a thorough and easy to follow manner, covering Open, Matched and Narrative play-specific teams;
– Command Points: Matched play kill teams can be Battle-forged – this section describes the tactics specific to these teams;
– Specialists: these are experienced fighters with certain abilities, split into 9 disciplines: Leader, Combat, Comms, Demolitions, Heavy, Medic, Scout, Sniper, Veteran and Zealot, each featuring 3 exclusive Tactics. These Tactics are increasingly powerful, and are unlocked by acquiring experience during a campaign;
– Background information for each of the following factions: Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani, Drukhari, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks, T’au Empire, Tyranids, and Genestealer Cults. This section can be used to add character to your kill team, with name and characteristic generators, faction-specific Tactics, and even quirks for each of your squad members. Each faction also features datasheets and comprehensive wargear tables with points lists and abilities.


Kill Team can be played and enjoyed in one-off missions, but included are a suite of comprehensive optional rules for fighting multiple battles in a connected series, forming a narrative of covert battles fought alongside a greater war. This section of the book walks you through a Kill Team campaign: the victory conditions, how to select missions, gain experience and upgrade your team, deal with injuries, manage resources and even escalate conflict. This includes blank command rosters and datasheets which you can photocopy and use to keep track of your campaign.

On top of all this is a miniatures showcase, brimming with inspiration photos of kill teams and battle scenes.

Kill Team Carry Case: $35Kill Team Carry Case

Perfect for transporting your Kill Team to and from games, this is a carry case constructed from rigid foam – strong enough to protect your miniatures from crushing, flexible enough to provide protection from impact. Smaller than a Citadel Skirmish case, it can nonetheless hold up to 20 models – even larger troops such as Ogryns – with the same channel foam inside cushioning them. Rather than a clasp, the Kill Team Carry Case is secured with a zip which runs around its entire circumference, and it even includes space under the channel foam for your Kill Team datasheets!

This case is coloured black, with a Kill Team logo picked out in orange.

Sector Imperialis Administratum: $50

Sector Imperialis Administratum

A detailed, striking scenery set, this Adminstratum is a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!

The Sector Imperialis Administratum is a formerly towering Imperial building which has been brought low by countless impacts during a long, bitter war. Plenty of hints as to its previous glory are visible – Imperial eagles, vents and pipework still cling to the crumbling edifices, while the ground floor’s gothic window arches remain intact. Above that, however, the building is in ruins, with the inner structure exposed and the arches broken.

The kit is comprised of 3 frames of plastic components (51 in total):

– A frame of 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework.

Rules are included for use in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Sector Imperialis Sanctum: $75

Sector Imperialis Sanctum

A detailed, striking scenery set, this Sanctum is a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!

The Sector Imperialis Sanctum was once a glorious monument to the Emperor, now fallen into disrepair by centuries of conflict. Still, it is plain to the observer that this is a place of great import – while the gothic arches may be shattered and broken, the impassive statues that guard the Sanctum still stand unbowed atop their imposing plinths, scowling at the alien, the xenos and the heretic with absolute hate.

This kit is comprised of 5 frames of plastic components (100 in total):

– 2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;
– A frame containing 4 flying buttresses, 4 columns, 4 column top sections and 4 statues. The statues are detailed and grim, clad in heavy robes – 1 clutches a cog-toothed axe, 1 rests a sword upon his column with a large set of keys, 1 holds a sextant and lantern and features a choice of broken or intact head, and 1 is chained, clutching a reliquary (this last statue can optionally be assembled broken.) Also included on this frame are 3 small lamps.

Rules are included for use in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Sector Imperialis Basilicanum: $100Sector Imperialis Basilicanum

A detailed, striking scenery set, this Basilicanum is a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!

While battered and broken by countless centuries of gruelling conflict, what remains of the Basilicanum is a testament to the might of the Imperium; a huge gothic structure watched over by 2 enormous statues, it provides cover and high ground for squads of warriors to battle over.

The kit is comprised of 7 frames of plastic components (134 in total):

– 2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– 2 frames of ruins and floors, each containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;
– A frame containing 2 large statues: 1 of these clutches a spear taller than himself, with a stoic grimace on his face beneath a cowl – the other, holding a sword, has a skull face (and a shield bearing the legend MORTIS over an hourglass). Both statues can be assembled standing atop plinths or attached to the building’s buttresses. Also included are 9 small lamps;
– A frame of columns: 4 complete columns, 1 large archway, 2 support arches, 2 small lamps, 4 top pieces for the columns and 2 small broken floor sections.

Rules are included for use in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Sector Imperialis Ruins: $35

Sector Imperialis Ruins

A detailed, striking scenery set, these ruins are a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!

The Sector Imperialis Ruins are a set of 4 sections, designed to evoke a city destroyed by brutal warfare. They are what remains of splendid, towering gothic architecture – tall window arches, fluted columns and many, many skulls adorn the walls, with vents, air processing units and pipework giving the kit a used, industrial feeling. Each ruins’ floor section has been designed to leave plenty of space for gaming in – larger miniatures fit easily within. All the fittings are of the same dimensions as those in the Sector Mechanicus range, meaning adding these to your existing scenery setup will be simple.

This kit comes as 24 plastic components, and is supplied with rules for use in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Sector Imperialis: City Warzone Collection: $785

Sector Imperialis City Warzone Collection

Effectively an entire city battlefield in one click, this bundle collects together the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gaming surface with a massive selection of city-themed scenery – the possibilities for assembling war-torn environments for dense urban combat are endless. Included:

– Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis: a high quality, plastic, modular gaming surface for Warhammer 40,000. Made from the same plastic as your Citadel miniatures, each of the six 2’ x 2’ tile sections can be painted in exactly the same way as the rest of your miniature collection. There are two tile designs in the set, three of each, which are inspired by the war torn streets of an Imperial city. They can be arranged in any number of different ways to produce an almost endless variety of combinations, with streets large enough to accommodate a Baneblade;

– 2 Sector Imperialis Administratums, each made up of:
– A frame of 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;

– 2 Sector imperialis Sanctums, each made up of:
– 2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;
– A frame containing 4 flying buttresses, 4 columns, 4 column top sections and 4 statues;

– A Sector Imperialis Basilicanum, made up of:
– 2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;
– 2 frames of ruins and floors, each containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;
– A frame containing 2 large statues: 1 of these clutches a spear taller than himself, with a stoic grimace on his face beneath a cowl – the other, holding a sword, has a skull face (and a shield bearing the legend MORTIS over an hourglass). Both statues can be assembled standing atop plinths or attached to the building’s buttresses. Also included are 9 small lamps;
– A frame of columns: 4 complete columns, 1 large archway, 2 support arches, 2 small lamps, 4 top pieces for the columns and 2 small broken floor sections;

– 3 sets of Sector Imperialis Ruins: each is a set of 4 sections, designed to evoke a city destroyed by brutal warfare. They are what remains of splendid, towering gothic architecture – tall window arches, fluted columns and many, many skulls adorn the walls, with vents, air processing units and pipework giving the kit a used, industrial feeling. Each ruins’ floor section has been designed to leave plenty of space for gaming in – larger miniatures fit easily within.

Killzone: Sector Mechanicus:

Killzone Sector Mechanicus

Sprawling over countless Imperial worlds, the landscapes known as Sectors Mechanicus are tangled mazes of pipes, conduits and heaving machinery. Without these rumbling furnaces and smog-belching chimneys the ceaseless war industries of Humanity would stall, and the armies of the Imperium of Man – shorn of materiel reinforcement – would fall to the xenos and the heretic.

The Sector Mechanicus Killzone Environment is an expansion for Kill Team – in the packed box, you’ll find a gameboard, scenery, and exclusive rules that use the unique nature of Sector Mechanicus terrain to introduce dangerous new missions and powerful effects to your games. Included:

– A double-sided Kill Team gameboard measuring 22” x 30”, printed on heavy, durable card stock. 1 side depicts a Zone Mechanicus, a bleak and blasted area designed to arrange your Sector Mechanicus scenery on; and the other an Imperial Sector, an area of war-torn city;
– 12 Sector Mechanicus Tactics cards – these can be used by any Kill Team faction, with 8 cards providing interactions with the Sector Mechanicus scenery and 4 being used specifically by Comms and Demolition Specialists;
– A Sector Mechanicus Environment card, which provides 6 different rules allowing interaction – positive and negative – with the scenery;
– 4 Sector Mechanicus Mission cards – designed to be used in conjunction with the gameboard and scenery, this is a set of 2 Matched Play missions and 2 Narrative Play missions, which are split between attacker and defender;
– 8 frames of Sector Mechanicus scenery – providing endless variety, these frames of industrial scenery include a huge array of walkways, platforms, supports, ladders and plasma pipes. Included are enough components to build an Alchomite Stack (a series of chimneys evoking the thick, acrid atmosphere of industry), a Ferrotonic Furnace (an enormous silo filled with toxic chemicals – or worse) and 2 sets of Plasma Conduits. This scenery is designed to be entirely modular, and can be assembled, taken apart and re-assembled any way you like. It is compatible with all Sector Mechanicus scenery – add as much as you like to create massive, multi-level structures for your Kill Teams to battle over;
– An 8-page booklet describing the Sectors Mechanicus, with an example of a fully-painted scenery set.

Kill Team Datacards: $15

Kill Team Datacards

Kill Teams must necessarily be able to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances of their mission, reacting to new threats and employing specialist equipment. When you run a Battle-forged Kill Team, as outlined in the Kill Team Core Manual, you gain access to Command Points – these are spent on Tactics; special abilities for each type of troop that can change the flow of battle when judiciously applied. This set of cards is a handy reference for the 36 universal Tactics from the Kill Team Core Manual, along with 25 blank datacards which you can use to record the names and deeds of your own kill team.

– 36 Tactics cards – these can be used by any faction, and are split between Leader Specialists, Combat Specialists, Comms Specialists, Demolitions Specialists, Heavy Specialists, Medic Specialists, Scout Specialists, Sniper Specialists, Veteran Specialists and Zealot Specialists;
– 25 blank datacards – these feature space for names, stats, loadout and experience, allowing you to build your own custom Kill Teams whichever faction you choose.

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to get this edition of Kill Team onto the tabletop but, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group.