5 New Ghal Maraz Shockers & Kaldor Draigo!

By Rob Baer | August 16th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The HUGE Quest for Ghal Maraz book is here! We’ve got a few more shockers Sigmar getting his hammer back maybe more importantly KALDOR DRAIGO!

5 Quest for Ghal Maraz Spoliers

5). England er Albion rises again in the form of the Floating Islands of Talbion in the Realm of Life

4). Alarielle is found, sort of. Her Kingdom of Athelwryd was hidden under the River Vitalis the whole time.

3). Battle rages as Nurgle finds Athelwryd as well, and as the book concludes it’s flooded by the Grandfather’s Deluge with the Stormcast and Slyvaneth driven back in kind.

2). Ionus Cryptborn is slain in the silver seas, only to arrive at the height of the the final battle to take the Eldritch forterss and secure the Great Shatterer!

1). Lord Celestant Gardus emerges from the Realmgate during the Battle of the Glade. He managed to escape the realm of Nurgle after adventuring near Nurgle’s manse for quite some time. He returns to his Stormcasts with fantastic tales of that realm that may revel to keen readers HE is the armored warrior, and not Kaldor Draigo whose adventures were chronicled in the Fantasy End Times Books.

The next war to come will be the battle for the All Points, where Sigmars’ Grand Alliance fell apart previously as Nagash’s great betrayal was revealed.

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