6 Easy Ways to Fix Warhammer 40k: Pimcron

Pimcron-noughtPimcron is here this week with six ways to fix some of the issues with Warhammer 40k and they may be just the right thing to do.

I think you’ll agree that these ideas will really punch up the fun of the game, as we search for the best ways to fix the current edition of Warhammer 40k.

Enhance Shooting

ork imperial guardI have always had an issue with not being able to fire ranged weapons in close combat. There. I said it. You may not like it, but shooting into close combat is what peak performance looks like. I feel like the game would be so much better if people outside of combat could shoot into it, and people in combat could shoot into it as well (not just tanks and pistols). It would just be a better game.

Reduce Saves

imperial guardThere are a ton of models in 40k that have 2+ Saves. Cut it out. I think every model in the game should have -1 Save. Marines are 4+, Guard is 6+, etc.

This would make it a lot deadlier and would get the game moving along really fast. I’ve thought that the models in this game are far too tough for far too long. Think of the children, raise the armor Saves.

The Emperor Should Come Back

Emperor vs Horus finalI’m sick of this dead-Emperor thing. Bae has been sleepin’ on that throne for far too long. I get the feeling like he is just faking it to get avoid all of the mistakes he’s made. His kids are a hot mess. You can’t just fake a coma like that, it’s not right.

He needs to come back to life, and start leading his people again. Then he could actually revamp the Marines and when use his psychic force to capture each dead Marine’s spirit when they die and put reincarnate them as new Marines. Maybe get some Squats to forge armor for the new Marines, give ‘em a bunch of hammers, and let them come down in lighting strikes, I don’t know. Get outta my face about it.

Individual Chaos God Books

SLaanesh wal hor daemonette Save Hobby $$$ Buy One Army for 40k & Age of Sigmar!No more of this Marines-and-separate-Daemons-books nonsense. Grab a fistful of themed daemons and worshipers and throw them in the same book. They’ve done this a bit with Death Guard, but that’s not enough. Every Chaos God should have its own book. Maybe even throw in a themed mechanic.

Like for instance: for a Khorne army, every time a unit is destroyed (friend or foe) you get a point that can be spent on buffing a unit or summoning daemons. Call it something related to blood. Like they are making a tithe to the blood god, like a Blood Tithe Point. I don’t know, stop asking questions, you figure it out. I’m just spitballing here.

Terrain Features

New Nurgle TerrainEach army should have its own terrain features, something that buffs or debuffs units in a thematic way. They could be really neat pieces that help flavor the battlefield. Like maybe a big Necron Statue, like some sort of Bone Nexus, that has bad effects on enemies.

Once again, just spit-balling. But I feel like this game would be much better if we implemented this sort of thing. It would be free to take in your army, but you could only take one. It would be another chance to paint a neat model that is themed with your army.

Ditch the Toughness and Strength

gaunt's ghostsOne huge dark spot on the 40k rules is that each model has a Toughness value and a Strength value. You have to do some sort of impossible calculus to even figure out what you need to wound another model.

Nobody is really clear on how to do the math here, and it would be much easier and streamlined if we just had static To Hit and To Wound rolls. Units that are tougher would just be given extra hit points to make them tougher.

Boom. Tough Actin’ Tinactin. This would greatly streamline the game and make it much easier to point out models on GW’s end because you know exactly what the probability of hitting and wounding another model is. Just a thought. Shut up about it.

Mimic Perfection

age of sigmar wal aether warsI feel like there is already some game system that does all of this, but I can’t seem to put my figure on it. I could just be imagining it but I can’t be sure. It seems to me like that somewhere out there is a simpler, more fun wargame.

One that is not bogged down with ever-more complicated rules and mechanics. If that game isn’t really out there like I imagine, then someone should make it. The perfect game. (sigh)

Any idea what that dream game is? How would you fix Warahmmer 40k?

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About the Author: Pimcron