A Mobile Paint App For All Brands We Love

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GW’s not the only one with a paint app, and this one isn’t just for Citadel colors. The paintRack app lets you build, sample, and scan all the paints.

Courageous Octopus, the developers of paintRack, have recently updated their app to add more to what already is a handy resource.

paintRack app

Now, you may be asking: What is paintRack? PaintRack is an digital paint collection resource that contains over 5,000 paints from top manufacturers such as Citadel, Vallejo, Army Painter, Scale75, P3, and more. There are 23 manufacturers in total in this resource with the latest update adding Createx paints.

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Adding to the library are such features as set building which allows you to create custom paint sets or recipes for your models; a wish list to help you keep track of paints that you need; a rapid scanner tool that lets you bar codes on paint pots to finds them in the database; and color matching tools to aid you in finding the best matching paint colors.

PaintRack’s library will allow to swipe between paint manufacturers and then scroll through a selected collection. Once you have found a paint color, you can then select it to save to a set or to your wish list.

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A very nice feature concerning set building is that you are able to separate your sets depending on the project and then create a sub-set in the project for each part of the model you are painting. Now, the app does come free with full access to the library.

However, for unlimited Sets, Scanner, and other the features, a one time in-app purchase of $2.99 will be required to unlock the full version.

Considering the amount of resources and features this app contains, that is quite the deal if you do decide to unlock.

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paintRack: Free ($2.99 for full unlock)

Paint rack app

LIBRARY: track your paints with over 5000 paints from top manufacturers!
SETS: create custom paint SETS (or recipes) for your models
WISH LIST: helps you track paints you need
RAPID SCAN: most bottles can be added by scanning bar codes on bottles
COLOR TOOLS: will help you find the best matching paint colors

Supported paint lines include:

– Vallejo – P3 (Privateer Press) – Reaper – Citadel – Army Painter (Warpaints) – Tamiya – Scale75 – Coat d’Arms – Badger Minitaire – Warcolours – Humbrol – Andrea Color – AMMO by MIG Jimenez – Battlefront (Colours of War) – AK Interactive – Abteilung 502 – Revell – GarageKits.US – Mission Models – FREAKflex – Forge World – Secret Weapon – Createx

Remember, this app is only for Android, is free for the base version, and $2.99 for the fully unlocked version. Courageous Octopus are constantly adding new features and fixing any bugs that pop up. They do respond quickly to any comments or suggestions made.

Be sure to give this app a download and try it for yourself and check back with us daily for your hobby news and needs!