Adeptus Titanicus: New Model Pictures & Scale

Adeptus Titanicus scale

Wondering how big the Titan models and terrain are for Forge World ‘s new Adeptus Titanicus game? We have tons of scale shots of the new miniatures, sprues, boxes and more!

James Martin is live from Warhammer Fest all weekend, and he just sent us these pics from the Adeptus Titanicus demo and booth at Warhammer fest showing everything from the scale to the box art of these new minis!

Adeptus Titanicus Scale:

Looks like the Knights are on 40mm bases, (Blood Bowl figure right is 32mm) and from there we can extrapolate about what bases the rest are on:

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018


adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

Adeptus Titanicus Kits:

Forge World said this is the most expensive box set ever produced by Games Workshop. It looks to come with the rules, two Warlords, six knights and some terrain. Plus there are a plethora of releases and game aides coming as well:

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

All the new model kits look very enticing all painted up and on display from the event:

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

Model Components:

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 sprues adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 sprues adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018 sprues

Playing Adeptus Titanicus:

Plus look at all the fun these folks are having trying out the new game on Forge World’s new 2×2 Realm of Battle boards as well:

If you missed all the seminar news earlier on the new game overall, you can get the latest below:

Titancus Update

Overall the new game looks to be done to a very amazing scale, that plays on a 4×4 foot space. If Shadespire, Blood Bowl, and Necromunda were any indicators, the size of the game may ensure it will do very well.  Now folks can play it at home as well as at clubs and stores.

The biggest barrier to entry, however, may be the starter cost itself, as Games Workshop has mentioned Adeptus Titanicus: “may be the most expensive starter set to date”.

Special thanks to James Martin for the pictures.

Keep it locked here for more coverage, and check out all the pictures from the event below:

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Latest from Warhammer Fest 2018