AGE of SIGMAR Arrives!

By Rob Baer | July 1st, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Begun, this Age of Sigmar Has! Come checkout the basics on the new game, and feast your eyes on the new minitaures!

Images via El Taller De Yila 6-30-2015

New  Warscroll basics:

warscroll-101 warscroll-102

Here are the Warscroll examples fromthe Age of Sigmar boxed set:

warscroll-105 warscroll-104 warscroll-103 warscroll-106


So just like everyone is saying… No points. That’s very curious indeed. Some stores will see demo copies this weekend, and we’re hearing there is  full backwards compatibility for players existing collections with the new game.

Age of Sigmar Roundup

There is LOTS more back there – go look.

~What side are you on?