Age of Sigmar – Ophidian Archway Revealed!

By Rob Baer | July 14th, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Ophidian Archway

The first of the new Age of Sigmar terrain has been revealed, and it looks to work like a popular 40k terrain set. Come see the next BIG kit!

via El Taller De Yila, and BoLS Lounge


ophidian archway




So we’ve previously seen the top few images, but the sprue pics have been showing up over the last day. This looks like a very BIG kit, sorta like the Fantasy equivalent of the 40K Cities of Death terrain. From these pictures it appears to be a 3 sprue kit, 1 large and 2 medium frames.

It’s a safe bet we’ll see this released within a couple of weeks. The Ophidian Archway was previously mentioned by Games Workshop as the first of the new Age of Sigmar terrain kits.


Checkout the rest of the rulebook leaks below

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Release Roundup

Episode 8 – How to Play Age of Sigmar Competitively