Age of Sigmar Updated FAQs, Warscrolls, & More

By Juan Lopez | August 26th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


With the release of the General’s Handbook 2017, Games Workshop has issued fresh FAQs, Warscrolls, and Compendium PDFs to aid your game play!

Released on Warhammer Community, this fresh list of FAQs, Forge World Warscrolls, and Compendium PDFs will aid your game play during this new update. Dive in!

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The first of these is a set of FAQs designed to clarify your games; the second is a series of updated Warscrolls and matched play points values for your Forge World models, and the third, refreshed Compendium Warscrolls for a range of classic models from a variety of factions. The release of the new General’s Handbook was a great time for us to take a look at the game and address a few common questions.


The new General’s Handbook has brought a range of changes to points, new allegiance abilities and a powerful new allies mechanic that makes including your favourite models in your matched play force easier than ever. Forge World’s Monstrous Arcanum range is designed to give you some unusual and powerful options for your army, from gigantic Carmine Dragons to esoteric options like the Troggoth Hag. You’ll be able to field your Legion of Azgorh army with new points, and bring along powerful allies from other Chaos factions.

We’ve updated the Compendium Warscrolls to make sure you can keep using your legacy miniatures and armies in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. …These warscrolls have been updated to be consistent with the tone and feel of the system today.


These FAQ were pretty standard in the changes they provided to Age of Sigmar. He are a few that we noticed that just may grab people’s attention:

Q: Must a model be 100% within scenery to gain cover?
A: Yes, all of the model must be wholly within cover for the cover bonus to apply. Note that all of the models in a unit must be in cover for the unit to receive the modifier.

Q: If an ability allows you to replace a model with a different model, does the new model cost reinforcement points in a Pitched Battle?
A: Yes

Page 79 – Battle Traits, Blood for the Blood God!
Change the first sentence of the last paragraph to: ‘Unless stated otherwise in the rule for a reward, Blood Tithe points can be expended at the start of either player’s hero phase, but only once per phase.

Page 118 – The Changeling, Formless Horror – Change to: ‘Formless Horror: In the combat phase, you can pick a melee weapon wielded by an enemy model within 3″ of the Changeling, and use that weapon’s Range, Attacks, To Hit, To Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics instead of those for the Trickster’s Staff. If a weapon does not have a value for one or more of these characteristics (e.g. it is given as ‘✹’ or ‘see below’), it cannot be picked.’

Q: The Treelord Ancient’s Silent Communion ability specifies that each Citadel Wood from the new Wyldwood must be set up 3″ away from other ‘models’. Does this include scenery models already on the battlefield when the ability is used?
A: Yes. Note that the Citadel Woods which make up the new Wyldwood must be placed within 1″ of each other as normal.

BEASTCLAW RAIDERS – Pages 108, 110 and 112 – Frostlord on Stonehorn, Huskard on Stonehorn and Stonehorn Beastriders, Stone Skeleton – Change to: ‘Stone Skeleton: Halve the Damage characteristic (rounding up) of weapons that target this model. In addition, halve the number of mortal wounds this model suffers from a spell or ability (rounding up).’

These are just some of the MANY changes and additions that can be found in the FAQs and Compendiums.

Are you liking the changes that you are seeing? Were they any you were hoping for? Let us know in the comments below!

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