All The New Sylvaneth & Skaven Age of Sigmar Rules

new-skaven-sylvaneth-rulesWe’ve seen some of the Sylvaneth and Skaven AoS rules for the models inside Echoes of Doom- but there are a lot more from their battletomes. 

With the new Echoes of Doom box out, most of the rules for the models have been spotted. Some come straight from GW, while others have been full warscrolls from the internet.

Warhammer Community unveiled a few of the new rules, but we have also spotted basically all of the rules, so nothing wrong with that! however, the full scroll is not confirmed 100%, so take it with a grain of salt. Let’s check out the new rules!

All the New AoS Sylvaneth Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules

Lady of Vines rules

In war, the Lady of Vines is a force of nature. Her martial song ensures the Forest Folk are Roused to Wrath, causing vengeful Dryads to sprout and bloom directly into the midst of battle. Once per game, you can use this ability by rolling a dice – on a 2+, you summon a fresh crop of Dryads from a suitable forest, ready to fight to the death.

Summoning 10 models is nothing to underestimate! Just be sure to use your lucky dice, so you don’t roll that one and have a little cry.

Lady of Vines rules 2

In particular, she can manifest the Aspect of the Everqueen, turning this overgrown Branchwraith into a beacon of divine glory. Casting this spell grants every SYLVANETH unit wholly within 12″ a formidable ward of 5+, perfect for making already-resilient warriors like Kurnoth Hunters or a Spirit of Durthu even harder to fell.

This is a huge bubble of Ward Saves. You’ll want to keep her in the middle of your forces, so everything becomes that much stronger.

Lady of Vines rules 3

In the combat phase, she can create a protective barrier out of her Writhing Vines, forcing foes to subtract 1 from hit rolls against her as their blows glance off iron-hard bark. Or if a vengeful mood takes her, she can instead use these barbed creepers to ensnare her enemies, adding 1 to her own hit rolls.

This is a cool little ability to either give you more combat prowess or to protect yourself.

Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules


This should be a fun addition to your army with 10 wounds, a 3+ save, and plenty of abilities! Then, with two spells and a decent ranged attack, you can dish out some other damage.

Lastly, with some decent melee attacks, she’s shaping up well!

Spiterider Lancers Rules

Spiteriders rules

Rushing ahead of the main Sylvaneth forces, these mighty shock cavalry attack with blinding speed upon blurred wings. The Descent of the Spiteriders is impressive to behold – tearing across the tabletop and pulverising weak opponents before they can strike back.

Striking first is always a good thing and with their large move, it shouldn’t be a problem to get some charges off.

Spiteriders rules 2


And it’s bad news for whatever they hit. Each Spiterider sports four attacks – and their champion, the Spiterider Scion, gets one extra – with an additional three attacks each from their mounts. That means even a unit of three Spiterider Lancers can unleash a formidable 22 attacks on the charge – with no retaliation!

Plus, those enchanted lances and chomping mandibles are razor-sharp. At Rend -2 and Rend -1 respectively, they’ll make short work of whatever armour they encounter. 

With 22 attacks and plenty of Rend, they will really dish out the damage! They are all just Damage 1, but for a small unit, they really can pack a punch.

Spiteriders rules 3

The Spiterider Lancers are incredibly durable too – they’re Thrumming with Life, positively overflowing with the vital energies that course through Alarielle’s realm. Even if they don’t destroy their foes with a devastating charge, they can weather any returned blows with impunity.

At the end of each phase, if your Spiterider Lancers have slain even one enemy warrior, they’ll return to full health – and with five wounds each, your opponent is going to have to work doubly hard at stamping out these bugs.

This is actually pretty wild, as if your opponent strikes back and almost kills them, they will be returned to full wounds. Then, with 5 wounds each, they will be very hard to bring down.

Spiteriders rules 4

This ability combos nicely with their improved Rally – the Spiterider Hornblower can blast out a few notes of Alarielle’s song and resurrect any slain models on a roll of a 5+. It’s perfect for keeping big units in the fight!

When you combine this with the ability above, and the fact on a 5+ you can bring back a 5 Wound model, this is quite strong.

Seasons of War Sylvaneth Rules

Sylvaneth rules

The Burgeoning is a time of regrowth and renewal, vivifying the Sylvaneth with a flood of life energy. Taking damage? That’s so last season – hardened bark and flexible sapwood are the spring style, granting your forest fighters a ward of 6+ while they’re hanging around a suitably leafy hideaway. And you thought Treelords were tough already…

Obviously, you want to keep your trees near other trees as they will protect each other!

Sylvaneth rules 2

Even the final part of the seasonal cycle does nothing to rob the Sylvaneth of their might. Although The Everdusk does shrink the range of your friendly foliage, it also imbues nearby warriors with a chilling fury. Even murderous forest folk can get the winter munchies…

Getting exploding hits is something we will never complain about! However, there are some bigger drawbacks as winter approaches, but that makes sense for an army of trees!

New AoS Skaven Deathmaster Rules & Rumors Revealed!

Deathmaster rules

Refusing to get into anything close to a fair fight, Deathmasters lurk within teeming throngs of Clanrats or Stormvermin as Hidden Killers, leaping out when the foe is distracted and lashing out with a flurry of throwing stars and savage stabs.

If you choose to hide a betailed betrayer in one of your units, you’ll note down which one on a piece of paper – and keep it hush-hush until you’re ready to reveal your Deathmaster at the start of any combat phase. Then they’ll pop out of the unit, landing silently within 3″, ready to stab-kill!

This is a pretty cool rule to get this model into combat without your opponent really knowing it! Plus, it will add some serious punch to the unit you hide it in.

Deathmaster rules 2

For little guys, Deathmasters can pack a mighty punch against even monstrous foes with five rapid stabs from their weeping blade, targeting vulnerable areas and vital organs. They’re also vicious at range, hurling a hail of poisoned Eshin throwing stars faster than the mortal eye can see.

With 5 attacks, D3 Damage, and -1 Rend, the Deathmaster should really pump out some damage.

Deathmaster rules 3

This corrosive toxin deals D3 mortal wounds for each unmodified hit roll of 6, shredding even the fattest wound pool – perfect for felling even a mighty Spirit of Durthu.

With a decent number of attacks, you should hopefully get off one or two of these each round. Meaning you could skip everything else and just do Mortal Wounds!

Deathmaster Rules Warscroll

Deathmaster rules 4When compared with the rules above, everything matches up pretty well! So while this is rumored, it’s looking pretty good. The only real thing this adds is the stats and running death, where it can run and still shoot.

However, we’ll have to see what the rest of the rules in the new book change and if that makes this better or worse.  The only strange thing is that it can only join Clanrats or Stormvermin and no Night Runners.

Skaven Battletome Rules

Skaven Rules

On top of a unique selection of command traits and artefacts, each of the Great Clans now has a two-tiered allegiance ability – include one or two HEROES with the same Great Clan keyword, and they’ll unlock a nifty battle trait. If you take three or more HEROES from that Great Clan, however, that trait will get much stronger – strength in numbers, yes-yes!

Take the sorcerous Grey Seers of the MASTERCLAN – on a roll of 3+, these Skilled Manipulators can shift their wounds onto a nearby friendly unit with three or more models.

This is a classic Skaven tactic, throw your fellow rats in front of you! This will really make your heroes much more survivable and is just always nice.

Skaven Rules 2

If you’ve added three of these supreme schemers in your army, you’ll be Always Three Clawsteps Ahead. This sneaky ability lets you take the first run roll and charge roll each phase and use it for all of the other units in your army – perfect for swarming across the table in a single masterstroke! On top of that, the first time one of your units piles-in each phase, you can pile-in with your whole army at once – drowning your foe in tooth and claw.

Well, you’ll definitely want to take at least three characters, as this can be super strong. If you get a good charge roll-off or use abilities to make it better, then this is super strong. Plus, being able to just garuntee certain charges is always nice.

Clan Eshin Rules

Skaven Rules 3

The highly-trained assassins of the CLANS ESHIN have a new Deathmaster on the loose. When not lurking within your ratmen hordes, he benefits from Masters of Murder, which lets you pick one specific enemy HERO to be the target of your ire. 

This can really let you take out one enemy character of your choosing. Then, if you have three heroes, you will get the +1 against all enemy characters, perfect for the assassin clan!

Clans Verminus Rules

Skaven Rules 4

The vicious Clawlords who lead the CLANS VERMINUS rose to the top by being more resourceful than any other skaven. As such, these Mighty Warlords can use a heroic action to gain an extra command trait from Battletome: Skaven for that entire turn. Loaded up with three or more CLAWLORDS? Now each of them can nab a command trait, for some squirmingly flexible commanders with a swarm of powerful choices. 

Being able to do this with three models at once can be super strong! While you can’t pick the same trait, it’s still very awesome.

Skaven Rules 5

Perhaps one of your head honchos has rat-raced too far ahead of the pack? Call on the Powerful Alpha Command Trait to let them shrug off two wounds each phase. 

This is actually pretty sweet as your opponent will have to do at least 3 wounds in each phase to do a single wound! While in combat a lot of times the enemy can do way more than this, it will basically keep him super safe from spells.

Army-Wide Skaven Rules

Skaven Rules

Previously a tool for keeping your scurrying clawpacks in the fight a little longer, the Strength in Numbers battle trait now takes a more proactive approach – by ensuring your foes are too dead to scare anybody. No longer will those lurking in the rear ranks be left out of a fight, standing by while the foolish lemons at the front absorb the enemy’s attacks – now your entire swarm can pitch in, all eager to kill-steal the final blow.

If you can get that extra 3″ of range, you should really be able to pile in the attacks!

Skaven Rules 2

Two other battle traits – Scurry Away and Lead from the Back – are also returning with slight reworks. These are indispensable tools in the playbook of any self-respecting (and self-preserving) Grey Seer, ensuring your tactical geniuses can leverage their powerful Clan abilities in relative safety. Valuable targets weave between disposable minions, luring in the cream of the crop before bogging them down in a protracted battle with numberless chaff.

Lead from the Back is one of the most iconic rules, and it’s good to see it back! Then you can still scurry away as perfectly cowardly as the Skaven are.

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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