Echoes of Doom Price, Value & Savings Breakdown

pricing and value echoes of doom skaven sylvanethThe AoS Echoes of Doom Box has the new Skaven Deathmaster and Sylvaneth Lady of the Vines inside, but what kind of value are we looking at?

These battle boxes or Starter sets can be a good way for you to get into a new faction, especially if you split the box with someone. Plus, the Age of Sigmar ones usually have more value than the 40k ones, which is a plus for AoS players!

It feels like this is the new way to go for GW; with one of the factions only grabbing a new character, they pair them up with an army that’s getting more. Still, it’s better than nothing, and we know both will also get new battletomes at some point this summer. 

Let’s jump into the value!

AoS Echoes of Doom Box: $195

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming

Echoes of Doom

What have the servants of the Horned Rat done this time? They’ve only gone and dug out a gnawhole right into the heart of Ghyran to pilfer a juicy harvest of soulpods – classic skaven. Led by the Grey Seer Skrittat, master of subtlety, they led a surprisingly successful heist into Neos.

This sacred land near the very centre of the Everspring Swathe was considered impenetrable, making the crime even more of an affront to Alarielle and her children.

Sylvaneth Value

  • Lady of Vines $50 
  • Durthu $70
  • Kurnoth Hunters $60
  • Gossamid Archers $50 (based on existing kits)

Total MSRP: $230

Total value versus half the $195 box price for Sylvaneth: $132.50

Skaven Value

  • Screaming Bell $70
  • Deathmaster $35 (based on existing kits)
  • Clanrats $42
  • Stormvermin $30 (half a box)

Total MSRP: $177

Total value versus half the $195 box price for Skaven: $79.50

Plus, don’t forget there will be one of the smaller AoS core rulebooks inside as well that can sell for $25. So overall, for a retail price of $195, you should get about $212 in value out of this box!

Is the Echoes of Doom Box Set Worth it?

Echoes of Doom 2This is a decent value for both armies inside but obviously a bit better for the Sylvaneth for two reasons.

First, you get more new minis and a bigger value. Plus, if you split it, both people will be paying under $100 and getting over $200 worth of value, so honestly, this is a pretty good box overall!

The only real downside to the value in Echoes of Doom is the age of the Skaven models, which makes the 40k boxes look weak in comparison.

Click Here To Get Your Echoes of Doom Box!

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