All the Age of Sigmar Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

vanugard-box-pricing-and-value-breakdownHere are all the Age of Sigmar Vanguard boxes’ values and pricing in our updated Start Collecting Age of Sigmar breakdown review!

Remember, these are mostly designed to get players into the latest new faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Now that GW has finally switched over from the Start Collecting boxes to the Vanguard box sets for Age of Sigmar, we know the pricing, value, and what to expect in future offerings.

We have all the up-to-date values and pricing for the lineup of Combat Patrol, Battleforces, and Vanguard boxes for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar now that the Games Workshop price increases have hit to help you save those hobby dollars!

Plus, these are updated with the newer price increases from March 2023. If you want to see all the Games Workshop Warhammer price increases, click here to check that out.

Here’s the value and pricing breakdown for all the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Vanguard boxes, along with the units that have increased in value for 2023.

All The Age of Sigmar Vanguard Boxes Pricing & Value


So we’ve seen quite a few of these Vanguard box sets and their value, with everyone being $140 retail (upped from $130 in 2022).

Based on the pricing, GW seems to give about $60-$70+ of value in their AoS Vanguard boxes (and generally much better deals than 40k). However, some box sets are a bit better of a deal, as we will show you in the breakdown below!

Maggotkin Vanguard Box Set Pricing & Value Breakdown

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  • Scrivener $34
  • 2x Pusgoyle Blightlords  $75
  • Blightkings $60
  • 10x Plaguebearers $40

MSRP: $209

Savings Versus Box Price: $69

Fyreslayers Vanguard Box

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Vanguard Fyreslayers

26 hot-headed miniatures. Including a hero and battleline – form a fiery core to this force. A Battlesmith chronicles the stories of the Fyreslayers to lead 20 axe-toting Vulkite Berzerkers and five ferocious Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built instead as the indomitable Auric Hearthguard. 

  • Battlesmith $35
  • 20 Vulkite Berzerkers $120 ($60 for a box of 10)
  • 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers $55

Total MSRP: $210

Savings Versus Box Price: $70

Idoneth Deepkin Vanguard

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Vanguard Idoneth Deepkin

This raiding party consists of 15 miniatures. With a hero and battleline meaning you can use it as an army in a box. Hard-hitting eyeless Namarti Thralls are guided by the mystical prowess of an Isharaan Soulscryer, backed up by a fierce Akhelian Allopex and a trio of eel-riding Akhelian Isharaan Guard, which can also be built as Morrsarr Guard for extra flexibility.

  • Namarti Thralls $60
  • Isharaan Soulscryer $32
  • Akhelian Allopex $55
  • Akhelian Ishlaen Guard $60

Total MSRP: $207

Savings Versus Box Price: $67

Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine

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Vanguard Daughters of Khaine

Fresh from giving the Nighthaunt the fight of their lives in the Arena of Blood boxed set, the Daughters of Khaine are heading right back into the thick of things with their long-awaited Vanguard box. This box contains five Blood Stalkers, five Doomfire Warlocks, 10 Witch Aelves, and a Melusai Ironscale to lead them. It’s both the perfect place to start a Daughters of Khaine army and a valuable collection of powerful units to bolster an existing force – all while saving money.

  • 5 Blood Stalkers $60
  • 5 Doomfire Warlocks $45
  • 10 Witch Aelves $60
  • Melusai Ironscale $35

Total MSRP: $200

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $60

This isn’t bad value at all, and only a little less than the recent Fyreslayers’ box. So, if you need the units inside, you basically get the Blood Stalkers for free. Even if you already have some units, the nice thing about this box is there are actually useful units inside, so it should be a decent pickup.

Vanguard: Skaven

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Vanguard Skaven

Not to be outdone, the Skaven have concocted their own Vanguard box. It’s packed with verminous minions to boss around – a Grey Seer leads a pack of 20 Clanrats, supported by three hulking Stormfiends and the awesome technological might of a Warp Lightning Cannon. Whether you’re starting a new army or adding to your swarm, this is a collection of powerful and volatile weapons – with a furred horde ideal for occupying unwitting targets while your gunners lock on.

  • Grey Seer $27
  • 20 Clanrats $45
  • 3 Stormfiends $75
  • Warp Lightning Cannon $40

Total MSRP: $187

Savings Versus $140 Box Price: $47

Unfortunately, the Skaven doesn’t grab a great box. While the minis inside are useful, this is one of the lowest values we’ve seen in a while. Still, if you need all of the minis inside, it’s still cheaper than buying them on their own, and you basically get the Clanrats for free.

Vanguard: Nighthaunt

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Vanguard Nighthaunt

Rising from their graves to reignite their war against the living, the Nighthaunt come prepared with a Vanguard box full of spectral soldiers. With a grim hero leading an otherworldly battleline, this is a great way to start a new army – or reinforce an existing one. 20 groaning Chainrasps flow across the battlefield in a wave of incorporeal death, while 10 Grimghast Reapers, three Spirit Hosts, and a macabre Knight of Shrouds set to stripping fresh souls from their victims.

  • 20 Chainrasps $90 ($45 for 10 push-fit models)
  • 10 Grimghast Reapers $55
  • 3 Spirit Hosts $34
  • Knight of Shrouds $35

Total MSRP: $214

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $74

Now, this box has some great value! Almost as good as we’ve seen, so if you need the minis included, this is a buy every time. Plus, the Chainrasps are still push-fit, so building this box shouldn’t be too hard.

Disciples of Tzeentch Vanguard Box: $140

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Vanguard Disciples of Tzeentch

Start a new Disciples of Tzeentch army or add to an existing one with this new Vanguard box. Led by a powerful Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, it includes 10 Tzaangors, 10 Kairic Acolytes, and daemonic support in the form of three incendiary Flamers of Tzeentch and three swift Screamers of Tzeentch.

  • Magister on Disc of Tzeentch $38
  • 10 Tzaangors $55
  • 10 Kairic Acolytes $60
  • 3 Flamers of Tzeentch $35
  • 3 Screamers of Tzeentch $35

Total MSRP: $223

Savings Versus $140 Box Price: $83

This is actually a great box, in our opinion. You get a ton of minis, all of which make for a good starter force. Then, the value itself is really high. For $130, getting $83 in value is one of the highest values we’ve seen in a while! If you’re looking to get into the army or want to expand your forces, pick this one up.

Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box: $140

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Vanguard Lumineth Realm-lords

Start a Lumineth Realm-lords army – or add to an existing one – with their new Vanguard box. Lead your force into battle with the expert magics of the Scinari Cathallar, and anything that survives your magical onslaught can be chopped up by your Vanari Bladelords, run through by Vanari Auralan Wardens, or picked off at range with Vanari Auralan Sentinels.

  • Scinari Cathallar $35
  • Vanari Bladelords $60
  • Vanari Auralan Wardens $60
  • Vanari Auralan Sentinels $60

Total MSRP: $215

Savings Versus $140 Box Price: $75

Ogor Mawtribes Vanguard Box $140

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Ogor Vanguard

Start a new Ogor Mawtribes army or add to an existing one with this packed boxed set. It’s overflowing with a mighty leader in the form of a Tyrant, plus six Ogor Gluttons, the core infantry of the ogors, and two fast-moving Mournfangs. There is also some lethal firepower in the form of four Leadblechers and an Ironblaster, which can alternatively be built as a Gnoblar Scraplauncher.

  • Tyrant $35
  • Ogor Gluttons $60
  • Mournfangs $37 ($70 for 4)
  • Leadblechers $45
  • Ironblaster $40

Total MSRP: $217

Savings Versus $140 Box Price: $77

Sylvaneth Vanguard Box $140

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Grow a new army or spring forth reinforcements for an existing one with the new Sylvaneth Vanguard. This box includes a Branchwych, a skilled magic user backed up with three deadly Kurnoth Hunters. Anything that survives that magic-combat one-two will be finished off by five Tree-Revenants, which can alternately be assembled as Spite-Revenants. Rounding out the force is a Treelord, who can also be assembled as a Treelord Ancient or a Spirit of Durthu.

  • Branchwych $25 (not currently on the US site, going for £16 on the UK site)
  • Treelord $75
  • Tree-Revenants/Spite-Revenants $55
  • Kurnoth Hunters $60

Total MSRP: $215

Savings Versus $140 Box Price: $75

Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box: $140

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Vanguard Slaves to Darkness

Raise a warhost and run roughshod over the Mortal Realms with this Vanguard box, which contains 17 miniatures including a Chaos Lord, 10 iconic Chaos Warriors in full multi-part glory, five Chaos Knights with the new upgrade sprue, and a chariot which can be pulled by horses or a savage gorebeast for line-breaking charges.

  • Chaos Lord $32 (old model, not the new one)
  • 10 Chaos Warriors $60
  • five Chaos Knights $65
  • Chariot $45

Total MSRP: $202

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $62

Beast of Chaos Vanguard Box Set: $140

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Start a brayherd of your own with a box stuffed with Beasts of Chaos, the perfect retinue for your new Beastlord. It’s a buffet of dependable Battleline units, including 10 Gors, 10 Ungors, and 10 Bestigors, backed up by three mighty Dragon Ogors and a Great Bray-Shaman – a capable Leader in his own right, and a powerful Wizard for your army.

  • 10 Gors $35
  • 10 Ungors $35
  • 10 Bestigors $55
  • Dragon Ogors $60
  • Bray-Shaman $32 (based on similar characters)

Total MSRP: $217

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $77

Gloomspite Gitz Vanguard Box: $140 

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The Gloomspite Gitz are a frighteningly diverse huddle of hooligans, featuring bands of grots, squigs, and troggoths – and this Vanguard box contains a curated selection from all three. A cackling Loonboss leads 20 Moonclan Stabbas (who can also be built as Shootas), 10 Squig Hoppers (or Boingrot Bounderz), and three Rockgut Troggoths into battle, giving you the tools to create a balanced army of Destruction.

  • Loonboss $40
  • 20 Moonclan Stabbas $45
  • 10 Squig Hoppers $60
  • Rockgut Troggoths $60

Total MSRP: $205

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $65

Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box: $140 

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kharadron overlords vanguard contents


Muster your own fleet with this Vanguard box, packed with airborne duardin. You get a formidable Arkanaut Admiral, a 10-man Arkanaut Company, three Endrinriggers that can alternatively be built as spear-toting Skywardens, and an Arkanaut Frigate to ferry your footsloggers into battle, guns blazing and engines steaming.

  • Arkanaut Admiral $33.50
  • Arkanaut Company $60
  • Three Endrinriggers $55
  • Arkanaut Frigate $90

Total MSRP: $238.50

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $98.50

Soulblight Gravelords Vanguard Box: $140 

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Vanguard Soulblight Gravelords

Expand the dread territory of the Soulblight Dynasties with a vanguard box containing 29 miniatures. This bite-sized battalion is led by a vainglorious Vampire Lord, 20 Deathrattle Skeletons, five Blood Knights, and three monstrous Vargheists.

  • Vampire Lord $35
  • 20 Deathrattle Skeletons $60
  • five Blood Knights $70
  • 3 Vargheists $60

Total MSRP: $225

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $85

Honestly, this is a pretty balanced box without too much of any one thing. So, you can use this as a decent base force and sort of build it any way you want. You’ll want to add some more characters to really punch up your power and command options.

Vanguard: Ossiarch Bonereapers: $140 

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Vanguard Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ensure the tithe is collected on time with Vanguard: Ossiarch Bonereapers, which contains a Mortisan Soulreaper, five Kavalos Deathriders, 20 Mortek Guard, and a Gothizzar Harvester to put your constructs back together should they fall in battle.

  • Mortisan Soulreaper $34
  • five Kavalos Deathriders $60
  • 20 Mortek Guard $60
  • Gothizzar Harvester $60

Total MSRP: $214

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $74

This doesn’t have the greatest value overall, but again, only $33.50 is taken up by a character in value, so you do get a lot of troops. If you are just starting the army or need the minis inside, it will save you cash.

2022 Battleforces Box Set


Next, we’ll check out the most recent Battleforces. Just be warned, some of them may no longer be available, but if you can find them, they have good value.

Overall for a new Warhammer army, you should be able to find most of these still…

Daughters of Khaine: Khainite Slaughter-Coven Retail Price: $210

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2022 AoS Battleforces 2

  •  Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood $80
  • 5 Melusai Blood Sisters $60
  • 5 Khinerai Heartrenders $60
  • 5 Doomfire Warlocks $42
  • 10 Witch Aelves $60

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $302

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $92

Orruk Warclans: Kruleboyz Swamp-Lurkers Retail Price: $210

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2022 AoS Battleforces 3

  • Swampboss Skumdrekk $60
  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork $150
  • 3 Man-Skewer Boltboyz $50
  • 10 Gutrippaz $55

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $315

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $105

Gloomspite Gitz: Stampeding Squigalanche Retail Price: $210

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2022 AoS Battleforces 4

  • Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig $38
  • 2 Mangler Squigs $170 ($85 each)
  • 10 Squig Hoppers $55
  • 12-strong Squig Herd $50

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $313

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $103

Skaven: The Verminous Host Retail Price: $210

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The Verminous Host

  • Grey Seer on Screaming Bell $70
  • Warlock Bombardier $30
  • 3 Stormfiends $70
  • 40 Clanrats $84 (20 for $42)
  • 40 Plague Monks $84 (20 for $42)

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $338

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $128

Nighthaunt: Legion Of Grief Retail Price: $210

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Legion of Grief

  • Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief $50
  • Black Coach $130
  • 10 Bladeghast Revenants $50
  • 10 Dreadscythe Harridans $50
  • 10 Grimghast Reapers $50

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $330

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $120

Sylvaneth: Revenant Wargrove Retail Price: $210

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Revenant Wargrove

  • Drycha Hamadreth $60
  • 2 Treelords $140 ($70 each)
  • 10 Spite-Revenants $100 ($50 for 5)
  • 16 Sylvaneth Dryads $50

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $350

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $140

Stormcast Eternals: Thunderstrike Spearhead Retail Price: $210

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Thunderstrike Spearhead

  • Knight-Relictor $35
  • 3 Annihilators $55
  • 10 Vanquishers $60
  • 10 Vigilors $60
  • 2 Stormdrake Guards $115

Army Box Retail Price: Total MSRP: $325

Total Value Versus the $210 Box Price: $115

Based on each of the values and pricing, what is your favorite of the Age of Sigmar Vanguard box set breakdowns? 

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