Here are all the Games Workshop Warhammer store promotional coins you could have scored and where you can still grab them now!
It’s been well over a year since the promotion started, and we have already seen over a dozen collectible Warhammer coins. If you are going to try to collect them all, keep in mind the coin holder only has 12 spots so you may need more than one!
UPDATE: A Previous version of this article indicated that the coin promotion may be over. However, Games Workshop revealed a new coin for August that curiously doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the current Free Miniature release…
Instead of a model from an existing kit, people who make their way into their local store at the start of every month* will earn themselves a sweet model taken from that month’s biggest release. Just walk into your nearest Warhammer and ask staff how to claim yours!
If you haven’t heard about the program, here are some quick details:
It started in November of 2020 with the Witch Aelves. When you spend $100 at your local GW store, you get the monthly coin (while supplies last). There is generally also a Free miniature to scoop up as well.
Free! Every month, you’ll be able to pick up a new model at no cost, themed around one of the month’s releases.
With the epic new Broken Realms narrative arc for Warhammer Age of Sigmar kicking off this month, November’s models are Witch Aelves! Morathi would be proud.
Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a coin booklet you display your growing collection!
All The GW Warhammer Promotional Coins One Year In
GW does about one of these monthly as their Warhammer promotional coins are based around a new faction getting a release next. Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can score a nice little binder to hold your coins. So if you’ve grabbed almost every coin, you’ll be eligible to get it.
If you want to grab any of the coins that you may have missed, click the headers to find them on eBay. Just keep in mind they might not be cheap right now…
Daughters of Khaine Coin
The first coin of the promotion was to herald in the Morathi book. It got people pretty excited to get some collectibles and a free mini with each month of promotions.
Check eBay for the Daughters of Khaine Coin here.
Death Guard Coin
This was the Death Guard coin, which was shown back in November but wasn’t released until December. As we said before, you must spend over $100 to add any of the coins to your collection. That kind of sucked for DG players because you couldn’t spend any of that hundred on new minis since they weren’t out yet!
Check eBay for Death Guard Coin here.
Hedonites of Slaanesh Coin
January took a little break from the promotion and we didn’t see a coin until February. The February coin coincided with the big release of all the Hedonites stuff as well as a free Daemonette.
Check eBay for the Hedonites of Slaanesh Coin here.
Lumineth Realm-Lords Coin
March saw the release of the Lumineth coin, but again, there was no new stuff to buy when it was available. So hopefully you needed some other reinforcements for your army!
Check eBay for the Lumineth Realm-Lords Coin here.
Be’lakor Coin
The Be’lakor coin looks pretty sweet! If you’ve grabbed all of the coins up to this one, you’d only be one-off from being eligible for the coin holder, as you need 6 to qualify.
Check eBay for the Be’lakor Coin here.
Ventris Coin
GW snuck in a new coin when they announced the re-opening of their UK stores.
For starters, you’ll find three collectible coins to pick up – one each for the Ultramarines, Be’lakor, and Lumineth Realm-lords – so if there’s been a conspicuous hole in your coin collection until now, you’ll be able to get all three once your store opens up. Talk to your store manager for more information on how you can get them!
You’ll also be able to choose your Miniature of the Month from all the months you’ve missed, so make sure to ask your store manager which ones are available.
Check eBay for the Uril Ventris Coin here
Sisters of Battle Coin
The Sisters also picked one up with their latest release, which is pretty cool! Check eBay for the Sisters of Battle Coin here.
Stormcast Coin
This coin focused on AoS as Dominion hit shelves. With this coin, you could finally grab the holder. Check eBay for the Stormcast Coin here.
Grey Knights Coin
If you play the Grey boys, this is pretty cool, but the coin itself isn’t as exciting as the rest. Check eBay for the Grey Knights Coin here.
Orks Coin
We saw this one for months and months, so it was nice actually to be able to grab it! Well, you could have bought one on eBay a while ago. If you just bought the codex, you only needed to spend another $50 to grab the coin. Check eBay for the Orks Coin here.
Black Templars Coin
October’s coin was for the Black Templars and yet another one for the Space Marines. What should we expect though, lol. Check eBay for Black Templars Coin here.
Red Gobbo Coin

While this coin isn’t really for any which faction, it was a nice addition to your growing collection in celebration of the holiday season. Check eBay for the Red Gobbo Coin here.
Imperial Aquila Coin
Check eBay for the Imperial Aquila Coin here
These coins are available on a strictly first-come, first-served basis, so get down to your local Warhammer store from Saturday the 4th of December and ask your store manager how you can get the coin and miniature.
The latest coin we’ve seen comes with a GSC mini which is a little strange because it’s an Imperial coin. Either way, it’s pretty cool!
Tau Coin Promotion (January 2022)
Check eBay for the Tau Coin here.
With the new Codex: T’au Empire on the way, the fleets of the Fifth Sphere Expansion are preparing to set out once again and claim more territory in the name of the Greater Good. Although they’re quite happy to talk you into it, they also carry rather fearsome guns, so it might be best to show them you’re already onside with this month’s commemorative coin.
This is one of the smoothest-looking coins yet, so if you play Tau, it will be hard to pass up. Obviously, Tau was probably supposed to be the be new January 2022 release (and they may still be) but as of right now all release schedules at GW seem to be a bit off due to COVID-related issues.
Orruks Warclans Coin: (February 2022)
Click here to check eBay for the Orruks Warclans Coin here.
Speaking of miniatures, did you see this year’s Store Anniversary miniatures when we revealed them last month? You’ll be able to get an amazing Ordo Malleus Inquisitor and Kruleboy Gutrippa Boss at your local store anniversary this year, and – in honour of Haggok himself – this month’s coin features an Orruk Warclans icon.
The coin is for AoS Orruks, which is pretty cool, but we really were hoping for an Eldar coin to go along with the mini. But if you play the faction, then this is for you!
Necromunda Ash Wastes Coin: (March 2022)
Click here to check eBay for the Necromunda Ash Wastes Coin here.
We now travel from the depths of the sea to the depths of the underhive for this month’s collectable coin, which has a Necromunda theme.
The Ash Wastes will be the focus for the next Necromunda box set, so while you won’t be able to spend money on that, it’s cool to see the Boxed Games grab a coin.
Tyranids 40k Coin Promo (April 2022)
As always, please note the miniature you get in-store will only be available while stocks last – and may differ from the one shown above.
Obviously, you’ll need a lot more than one of these! Still, it’s always good to get a test model, but as always, it won’t be the exact mini above, they just open a box and build them.
There is also a matching coin this month to pay tribute to the Hive Mind, complete with tasteful Tyranid iconography.
Honestly, this is a really cool coin and uses some of the most iconic art for the Nids!
Chaos 40k Coin Promo (May 2022)
As rumored the new free 40k miniature and Warhammer collectible coin promotion are both for Chaos!
You may get a model that looks a little different from the one above, but rest assured they all have the same fanatical devotion to the Ruinous Powers.
All of the cultists from the BSF box are pretty sweet, so this is an awesome mini offering for the month. You could easily find other uses for a single one of these cultists in your other games!
While you’re at it, you can even find out how to get hold of the profanely glamorous commemorative coin!
Ruinous powers rejoice! This coin looks sweet and simple and has the Chaos star on the front side.
Skaven AoS Mini & Citadel Colour Coin Promo (June 2022)
Those of you who worship the Dark Gods have had their prayers answered – hot on the heels of May and June’s Miniature of the Month comes a third Chaos-themed model in a row! This time it’s one of the insidious Skaven from the Mortal Realms in the form of a Clanrat.
It’s always nice to get a free model, even if it is only worth a few points! Still, it’s always nice to have a test model if you’re starting a new army. As with all of the MotM, they just break open boxes and build a bunch, so you won’t necessarily get the mini above.
While you’re in store, you can also pick up July’s commemorative coin! Ask staff how you can get your hands on yours.
The coin this month is a little plain, honestly. Still, if you love Citadel paint, might as well grab the coin if you have the cash to spend on minis.
August New Coin Promotion
While you’re in store, you can also pick up August’s commemorative coin, which is available from Saturday the 6th of August. Ask staff how you can get your hands on yours.
This is a much cooler coin than last month, so if you like the Imperium, then this might be worth picking up as you got to grab your free Warcry miniature!
September Leagues of Votann Coin
While you’re in a store, you’ll also be able to acquire September’s coin of the month while stocks last, which is also Leagues of Votann-themed and will be available from the 3rd of September.
The coin is pretty cool, and considering there seems to be a lot of hype around the new Leagues of Votann minis, it should be easy to hit that $100 requirement for the promo!
Warhammer 40k Aeldari Coin Spotted for Sale on eBay
While there’s not much context for this one, it’s pretty simple… It’s up on eBay!
A so far yet unreleased Aeldari 40k coin is up for grabs on eBay for carrying prices. We also saw something similar happen for the Orks promo coin a few months back.
In short, this could be coming up any month now, but there’s no telling when we may even see it at this point.
Games Workshop Warhammer Coins Roundup
- Daughters of Khaine Coin- November 2020
- Death Guard Coin- December 2020
- Ultramarines 40k Coin- January 2021
- Slaanesh Coin- February 2021
- Lumineth Realm-lords AoS Coin- March 2021
- Be’Lakor Coin- April 2021
- Ghal Maraz AoS coin- May 2021
- Adepta Sororitas 40k coin- June 2021
- Stormcast Eternals AoS Coin- July 2021
- Grey Knights 40k coin- August 2021
- Orks 40k coin- September 2021
- Black Templars 40k Coin- October 2021
- Red Gobbo Coin- November 2021
- Imperial Aquila 40k Coin- December 2021
- Tau 40k coin- January 2022
- Orruks Warclans 40k Coin- February 2022
- Necromunda Ash Wastes Coin- March 2022
- Tyranids 40k Coin- April 2022
- Chaos 40k Coin- May 2022
- No Coin for June 2022
- Citadel Color Coin- July 2022
- Imperial Coin- August 2022
- Aeldari Coin rumors- not confirmed
Coin Holder
If you’ve collected at least six of the monthly coins, show them to the manager and you can present them in a handsome coin album while stocks last.
Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a perfect coin booklet to display your growing collection! If you’ve grabbed most of the coins, at this point, you should be able to get one.
With over one year’s worth of Games Workshop new Warhammer miniature and coins promotion promos out there- will you collect them all?
All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews
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