All the New 40k, Stormcast Dragons & Necromunda: First Look

The final wave of the Stormcasts releases is here, including the dragons! Plus new Necromunda and even some 40k release as well!

We’ve seen most of these models for a while, but they are already on pre-order now. Check out this week’s new offerings and get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders that will release on Saturday, December 4th, 2021.

In the final wave of the Stormcast releases, you can finally get all the dragons! The boxed games are also getting a lot of love this week with Dungeon Bowl, LoTR, and lots of Necromunda releases!


aos banner age of sigmar logo

Krondys and Karazai (single box builds ONE of either option)




Krondys sprue 1


Krondys sprue 2


Krondys sprue 3

Stormdrake Guard


Stormdrake Guard

Stormdrake Guard sprue 2


Stormdrake Guard sprue 1


BLood Bowl banner

Dungeon Bowl

Dungeon Bowl

We saw this during the previous preview, so if you want to check out more of what GW had to say, you can find it in our coverage here!

Necromunda banner

Underhive Outcasts Gang

Underhive Outcasts Gang

Underhive Outcasts Gang sprue

Book of the Outcast

new Book of the Outcast



Zone Mortalis Underhive Market

Zone Mortalis Underhive Market


Underhive Market sprue


Underhive Outcasts Gang Tactics

Underhive Outcasts Gang Tactics


9th warhammer 40k banner

Made to Order Chaplains

Made to Order Chaplains



Battle in Balin’s Tomb

Balin's tomb

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

Are you excited about these releases this week? What will you be picking up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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