Warhammer Day Blood Bowl & Underworlds Previews

dunegon-bowlNew Blood Bowl and Underworlds are here as pirates dig for treasure and football takes a dungeon-styled turn.

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our team’s commentary!

Warhammer Day Preview


Saturday the 30th of October is Warhammer Day and there’s no better way to celebrate than with an online preview! There are going to be massive reveals for a whole host of games and we’ve got all of the details you need to ensure that you don’t miss any of them.

We’ve already shown off the incredible new models that you’ll be able to pick up as part of the Warhammer Day celebrations. On the day itself, we’ll have all of the latest news about the following games.

Warhammer Underworlds: Blackpowder’s Buccaneers


Blackpowder’s Buccaneers video

Coming straight from Warhammer CommunityBlackpowder’s Buccaneers are the very first expansion Warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep. And how fitting the first is a pirate!?

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers are the first warband expansion for this season of Warhammer Underworlds, following the Harrowdeep boxed set. They consist of an ogre pirate and his gnobblar crew – and being a pirate, he of course has to have a menagerie, so he’s also accompanied into battle by his pet parrot and a monkey. Not just any monkey, you understand – Mange is a monkey with a terrible attitude and a knife that’s perfect for cracking open crab shells. 

This Warband is led by the big Ogre known as Blackpowder, with his repurposed (and probably stolen) firearm. He’s also managed to corral some Gnooblars and animals to help him be a menace to other warbands.

There was a little talk about which was the best warcry animal, monkey or crab, and I gotta say… Team monkey all the way.

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers end screenNow onto Blood Bowl…

Blood Bowl: Dungeon Bowl Announced


Dungeon Bowl video 1


Dungeon Bowl video 2


Dungeon Bowl video 3

Coming straight from Warhammer Community, Dungeon Bowl is a throwback to an old format, bringing new life to Blood Bowl game options.

Dungeon Bowl book

Fans of a certain vintage will fondly recall this madcap game of subterranean sports mayhem, but if you’re not familiar, Dungeon Bowl is Blood Bowl played in cavernous, winding dungeons, arranged by the eight Colleges of Magic. The wizards put mixed teams together for their own amusement, and make the rules – and magical traps – as chaotic as possible for maximum carnage.

Of course, the Box will come with a full rules booklet, that will still be usable assuming they continue to support this new game type!

Dungeon Bowl contents

The first challenge? Your players have to explore the dungeon and rummage through treasure chests until they find the ball. Once one of the teams has it, they only need to score one touchdown to win the game. But that’s not as easy as it sounds…

Dungeon Bowl mixes Dungeon crawling and the satisfying gameplay of Blood Bowl for an potential home-run of a game mode.

Dungeon Bowl team 2

Every team is hand-picked by a wizard from one of the eight colleges, so you’ll see all manner of races and positions playing for both sides. There’s no pitch, no line of scrimmage, and few rules. You WILL find loads of portals, however, as well as tricksy traps and challenges. There MIGHT be a dragon…

The first of the two teams in the box is the College of Fire, who have chosen two hardy Ogres to guard choke points, while the Dwarves and Gnobblars can go search for the ball and score you some points!

Dungeon Bowl team 1The College of Shadow on the other hand will be noticeably more sneaky and are a little more skill dense with fewer models. Three Dark Elves and 4 Ratmen mean for an especially mischievous and cunning team.

However as WHC stated, there are at least 8 Colleges of magic, meaning we will hopefully see at least 6 more teams added to this updated gameplay option!

Dungeon Bowl also happens to be a fantastic way to learn the rules of Blood Bowl. With a thrilling narrative and setting, classic fantasy elements, and manic fun, it feels more like an immersive adventure game at times. Once you’ve played a few games, however, you’ll know just about everything you need for full games of Blood Bowl, making the transition simple. 

Think of this as a new entry point into Blood Bowl, getting to play teams with various races giving you a taste test of how their own teams might play, and a little bit of wacky dungeon mechanics sprinkled in. Obviously, this will also be great for veterans as the new mechanics will be even easier to pick up and learn.

Wondering what’s still out there? Check out all the latest from Games Workshop below!

All the GW 2021 Previews:

Latest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

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