All the New AoS Fyreslayers Points Changes & Rules

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmar wal horThere look to be a lot of new warscrolls rules and Fyreslayers points changes in Age of Sigmar Fury of the Deep box!

There are some pretty big point increases and some of the rules are looking to be NERFed, however, we haven’t seen the whole book yet. so don’t get too salty!

These could be a  little disappointing to some, but as we said, don’t get too worried yet. None of this may make sense until we get the full picture of everything that may be getting updated with each faction for AoS 3.0

Let’s first look at the value for the Fury of the Deep Box, then get into the rules!

Fury of the Deep Box: What’s the Value?

fury of the deep

Yet another ancient animosity reaches boiling point as bald heads meet long beards in Fury of the Deep, the next battlebox to rock the Mortal Realms.

The Auric Flamekeeper is joined by five Auric Hearthguard and five Hearthguard Berzerkers – 10 models in total who can be built either way – as well as 10 Vulkite Berzerkers. Against them is an Idoneth raiding party consisting of 10 Namarti Thralls, 10 Namarti Reavers, and a blood-thirsty Akhelian Allopex.

With 43 minis (and 2 new ones) there is a decent amount of miniatures inside the box!  They say it will be released in “early 2022”, and now we know it will hit store shelves on January 22nd, 2022. Let’s get into the value!

Fury of the Deep Box Set Pricing Breakdown:

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games 

fury of the deep 4The price of the box is $170 the same as the previous Shadow and Pain box went for.

  • 10x Auric Hearthguard/Auric Berzerkers $90 ($45 for a box of 5)
  • Auric Flamekeeper $35 (based on most recent characters)
  • Vulkite Berzerkers $60 (existing kit)

Total Fyreslayers MSRP: $185

  • Akhelian Thrallmaster $35 (based on most recent characters)
  • Akhelian Allopex $45
  • 10 Namarti Thralls $50
  • 10 Namarti Reavers $50

Total Idoneth Deepkin MSRP: $180

Total Retail Value of Fury of the Deep: $365

Value in the box: $195

So, if you break it down with a friend, you’ll be paying right around $85 a person and getting about $100 extra in value each. We are also not including the booklet inside because that should just be an added value bonus for players. So, honestly, there is solid value inside (basically the same as Shadow and Pain) and much more than the recent Shadow Throne box for 40k. 

New Fyreslayers AoS Rules For the Auric Flamemaster

Fyreslayers rules

Grimnir’s Grit blesses your forces with a ward – perfect for keeping near-naked duardin alive long enough to slay some aelves. If you’ve accepted the inevitability of death, Grimnir’s Wrath will instead guarantee they can furiously hit back before they die in combat. 

On the smiting hand, Grimnir’s Resolve lets you throw units into melee in the combat phase – neatly avoiding the Unleash Hell command ability – and Grimnir’s Vengeance improves the Damage characteristic of your weapons, to help your little lads carve through their fishy foes. 

Fyreslayers rules and points 5


fury of the deep 3A 6+ ward save isn’t the craziest thing ever but it can save you. The other three are all offensive and quite strong whether you want to get off a sneaky charge or just add more damage. However, no matter which one you’re going for, this will be hard to pull off. Each time you use it 6 more models have to die within 12″ of this model. So not impossible, just not the most reliable.

All the New Fyreslayers Points Changes & Rules

Fury of the Deep PointsThe biggest NERFs here are for Berzerkers as they are going up ten points for five models. Then Vulkites with shields have also gone up 10 points as well. The only deduction is the Auric Hearthguard going down by 5 points. Not that big of a deal overall honestly.

The Idoneth Deepkin also suffered a few points increases as well on their units which isn’t that much in the way of NERFs really…

Fyreslayers Warscrolls & Rules Changes

Fyreslayers rules and pointsNow they have +1 bravery, and a rend added to their weapons, however, the bodyguard rule is taken out. We hope this is because their heroes will all grab a 4+ Ward save. Then on top of that, Molten Rockbolts kind of got a big hit. Now it just reduces the enemy’s move on 6’s. Before it did all kinds of stuff like extra damage, the movement went to half, and even more. So this looks to be a huge change at face value.

Fyreslayers rules and points 2Pretty simple, but they cost more and have an inch smaller range on the Ward save aura.

Fyreslayers rules and points 4While they got a little better on the charge, they lost their re-roll. With a smaller movement, it can be hard to always get them in range to charge, either way, it’s not giant.

Fyreslayers rules and points 3This unit got hit pretty hard, with higher cost, worse attacks, and their range attack also got worse. So, while they will be getting a 6+ ward save, that doesn’t make up for all of this so far.

Let’s just hope the new Fyreslayers’ overall rules and Warscrolls in their battletome book help them out!

Icon of Grimnir

Icon of Grimnir

These bombastic ballads set ablaze the ur-gold runes of Fyreslayers wholly within 12”, inuring them to incoming damage with a 6+ ward. Once per battle they can go even harder on the recitations, tossing in a few spicy synonyms and adjectives to give one unit a 5+ ward.

A 6+ Ward is a nice little buff but isn’t the craziest thing in the world. However, giving a unit a 5+ Ward save once per battle could hopefully save a unit when you really need them to survive.

Bard of the Lodge

Bard of the Lodge

Not only does the Battlesmith’s performance supercharge the Rally command, as a TOTEM he can issue it to units that are 18” away, giving him plenty of scope to influence your entire frontline. After all, who doesn’t want to see Berzerkers fighting, dying and fighting again, then returning to the fray in a fresh blaze of fury?

Returning models on a 4+ is really sweet, then with the extra range, you will really be able to use this pretty far across the board.

Magmadroths Rules are Quite Fiery!

Fyreslayers rules

These blazing beasts have been learning some new tricks – they can now build power for their Roaring Fyrestream attack, brewing up a raging inferno in their throats. Once unleashed, the ensuing gout of flame is hot enough to burn through even the toughest defences – it’s an ideal tool for clearing away heavily armoured hordes, especially now it can hit up to 10 times.

If you don’t shoot this on turn one (or any turn for that matter) just be sure to mention it’s heating up NBA Jams style and when you get into range next turn, you’ll be at -3 Rend. If you haven’t taken any wounds this is super strong as you’ll be hitting on a 2+ and are heated up, this could dish out the damage.

Just be sure to use it on bigger units to make use of all those possible hits!


Fyreslayers rules 2

The Lofnir treat their Magmadroths less as mounts and more as trusted battle companions. They forge strong bonds that render these beasts even hardier than their cousins, and more likely to display quirky personalities – or devastating Mount Traits. This lizard-loving lodge also rears more Magmadroths than any other – meaning Lofnir armies can take Auric Runesons on Magmadroths as Battleline units.

That’s right – you can now run a whole army of flame-spitting, obsidian-scaled lizards ridden by pugnacious duardin princes with fiery mohawks. It’s the perfect way to get revenge on the super-sized sea-beasts of Idoneth Deepkin – and a fitting army formation for the Era of the Beast, in which might makes right.

This is actually pretty sweet as you could take an entire army of them if you wanted, they will all have 2 extra wounds and you can get 3 mount traits! We would love to see an army like this as it would just be super fun.

Fierce Counter-Attack

Fierce Counter Attack

Fierce Counter-attack has been refined from its previous incarnation. The selected unit must be within 3” of an enemy unit that charged this turn, but – crucially – it can’t be within 3” of an enemy unit that hasn’t charged. The scions of Grimnir are furiously stubborn – and stubbornly furious – but even they can’t completely ignore a pincer attack.

This command can now be issued to Auric Hearthguard, as well as Hearthguard Berzerkers and Vulkite Berzerkers. Thanks to their magmapikes, these stout ranged fighters can potentially Unleash Hell (and gobbets of molten rock) on a charging foe before finishing them off with a Fierce Counter-Attack for a deadly one-two punch.

Striking first is always important, but especially for the Fyreslayers as they don’t have much armor or a ton of wounds. Meaning you want to get your attacks off first, and this will let you do that!

Click Here To Get Fury of The Deep!

Are you excited about the new Fury of the Deep box set for AoS? Do you like the new Fyreslayers warscrolls rules? 

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