Shadow & Pain Age of Sigmar Box Value: Is it Worth it?

shadow-and-pain-value-is-this-worth-itThe new Shadow and Pain box has a ton of cool minis in it, but what kind of value do you get from buying this bundle? Let’s break it down!

The Pricing has been confirmed for this box and that means we get to see how good of a buy it is. We did a separate post on the other four battalion boxes coming out (article here), but today we’re focusing on the big box coming with the new Broken Realms Morathi book.

Just be fast on buying these. If they are anything like the other big boxes coming out, they will sell out quickly, and we know they are allocated down to TWO per store. 

Shadow & Pain Box Value: Is it Worth it?

AoS Broken Realms MorathiBroken Realms: Morathi is the first of many new additions to AoS. The Shadow and Pain set is the biggest of the boxes coming out with the book. Check out our posts here to see more about the releases and value. For now, let’s jump into the value!

What’s the Value?

This new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction. It retails for $170!

Shadow and Pain

As well as loads of lovely models, the box includes rules and lore for everything inside, making it a perfect way to start exploring both the Daughters of Khaine and the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The story of Shadow and Pain is also a prequel to the next big event to hit the Mortal Realms. Gods will rise, the aelves will march, and the realms will break…

Daughters of Khaine:

  • 5 Khinerai Heartrenders/Lifetakers $53
  • 5 Melusai Blood Sister $54
  • 5 Melusai Blood Stalkers $54 (Blood Sister and Stalker are the same box set)
  • Melusai Ironscale $35 (exclusive to this box right now)

Hedonites of Slaanesh

  • 10 Daemonettes $36
  • 10 Hellstriders of Slaanesh $66 (Two Boxes)
  • Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh $29.75 (although it could be the Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh $45 which is only available right now in the start collecting box- its hard to tell right now)
  • Lord of Pain $35 (exclusive to this box right now)

Total MSRP: $362.75

Total Value: $192.75

That’s some pretty good value! If you split this box with a friend, it really starts looking great! A decent amount of the value comes in the named characters, but almost all are running for around $35 apiece now. So not bad, just keep in mind these will go fast! So if you want the minis, buy it early or it may cost you more on the secondary market.

Will you be picking this up? Do you think the box is worth it?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!