All The New AoS General’s Handbook 2021 Points Changes

age-of-sigmar-3.0Check out how your army lists are going to change in 3.0 with all the new AoS General’s Handbook points changes!

If you’ve been itching to make those new lists, then this is the post to check out. With so many people getting early copies, the internet has done its thing and come through with spreadsheets and videos to break down all the changes.

We’ll break down some of the big changes, but also link to where you can find basically everything, which you can here.   Just to note before we get too far, basically, everything is going up in points. So don’t be too alarmed when you see your units. They seem to be doing what they did with 40k 9th edition, where they start the edition with most things at higher points, then adjust it as the books start coming out. Let’s get into it!

New AoS General’s Handbook Points Changes

Generals HandbookThe book is hitting shelves soon, if you want to see more about the AoS releases, you can check them out here. Things are going to change up a decent amount in this edition, so we’ll have to see how the games play, but overall people seem pretty happy with the changes. We’ll cover some of the points, but again, if you want to see everything changing, go check out all the points here.

Now, let’s get into the changes.

Order Point Changes

Lumineth-realm lords points changesBasically, everything is going up in the Realm-lords, some things quite a lot, with Teclis going up a whopping 80 points! Again though, since everything is increasing in points, it’s not really a NERF just a change to the overall game.

Lumineth-realm lords points changesThe Cities of Sigmar are one of the few armies that actually have some point reductions included. With the Battlemage on Griffon getting the biggest drop of 25. Still, overall they are going up in points, just not so straight across the board as the Realm-lords.

Chaos Changes

Chaos Changes 2The Slaves to Darkness received very similar changes to the Cities of Sigmar, with a small net gain in points, but a decent amount of units actually got their points dropped.

Disciples of TzeentchThe Disciples of Tzeentch really got hit with the point increases, but since this is a new edition, they are trying to balance out the game all at once, so expect all the better performing armies to have changed like this.

Death Changes

generals handbook points changes 2The Bonereapers weren’t hit too hard unless you want to take Nagash. Going up to almost a thousand points.

generals handbook points changes 3The Flesh Eater Courts mainly received some small increases, so no real worries there. Just to note, the Gravelords basically remained unchanged, since their book was already adjusted for the new edition.

Destruction Changes

generals handbook points changes 4The Gloomspite Gitz have basically every single unit going up slightly in points. While no one is too giant, everything is going up.

Kruleboyz pointsWe already saw the Kruleboyz points, but just in case you wanted to see them again, here you go.

If you want a great and detailed breakdown of the changes, check out the very in-depth video from the guys over at Facehammer TV!

What do you think of the point changes? Are you excited about the new edition?

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