All the New AoS Skaven Deathmaster Warscroll Rules

By Travis Pasch | May 19th, 2022 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, rules, Skaven, Warhammer 40k Rumors

skaven-battletome-new-models-preview-rules-leaksGW revealed some AoS Skaven Deathmaster rules, but we’ve also seen a rumored full warscroll as well- check out the latest rules!

It’s only been a few weeks since we saw the model revealed at Warhammer Fast, but with the new Echoes of Doom box on the way, it’s time to see what the sneaky rat can do!

Warhammer Community unveiled a few of the new rules, but we have also spotted basically all of the rules, so nothing wrong with that! however, the full scroll is not confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt. Let’s check out the new rules!

New AoS Skaven Deathmaster Rules & Rumors Revealed!

Deathmaster rules

Refusing to get into anything close to a fair fight, Deathmasters lurk within teeming throngs of Clanrats or Stormvermin as Hidden Killers, leaping out when the foe is distracted and lashing out with a flurry of throwing stars and savage stabs.

If you choose to hide a betailed betrayer in one of your units, you’ll note down which one on a piece of paper – and keep it hush-hush until you’re ready to reveal your Deathmaster at the start of any combat phase. Then they’ll pop out of the unit, landing silently within 3″, ready to stab-kill!

This is a pretty cool rule to get this model into combat without your opponent really knowing it! Plus, it will add some serious punch to the unit you hide it in.

Deathmaster rules 2

For little guys, Deathmasters can pack a mighty punch against even monstrous foes with five rapid stabs from their weeping blade, targeting vulnerable areas and vital organs. They’re also vicious at range, hurling a hail of poisoned Eshin throwing stars faster than the mortal eye can see.

With 5 attacks, D3 Damage, and -1 Rend, the Deathmaster should really pump out some damage.

Deathmaster rules 3

This corrosive toxin deals D3 mortal wounds for each unmodified hit roll of 6, shredding even the fattest wound pool – perfect for felling even a mighty Spirit of Durthu.

With a decent number of attacks, you should hopefully get off one or two of these each round. Meaning you could skip everything else and just do Mortal Wounds!

Deathmaster Rules Warscroll

Deathmaster rules 4When compared with the rules above, everything matches up pretty well! So while this is rumored, it’s looking pretty good. The only real thing this adds is the stats and running death, where it can run and still shoot.

However, we’ll have to see what the rest of the rules in the new book change and if that makes this better or worse.  The only strange thing is that it can only join Clanrats or Stormvermin and no Night Runners.

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For All the GW Previews From Warhammer Fest

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