All the New AoS Sylvaneth Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules

Echoes-of-doom-box-set-age-of-sigmarGW revealed some AoS Sylvaneth Lady of Vines rules, and now we have the full warscroll as well- check out the latest from Echoes of Doom!

It’s only been a few weeks since we saw the model revealed at Warhammer Fast, but with the new Echoes of Doom box on the way, it’s time to see what the sneaky rat can do!

Warhammer Community unveiled a few of the new rules, but we have also spotted basically all of the rules, so nothing wrong with that! however, the full scroll is not confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt. Let’s check out the new rules!

All the New AoS Sylvaneth Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules

Lady of Vines rules

In war, the Lady of Vines is a force of nature. Her martial song ensures the Forest Folk are Roused to Wrath, causing vengeful Dryads to sprout and bloom directly into the midst of battle. Once per game, you can use this ability by rolling a dice – on a 2+, you summon a fresh crop of Dryads from a suitable forest, ready to fight to the death.

Summoning 10 models is nothing to underestimate! Just be sure to use your lucky dice, so you don’t roll that one and have a little cry.

Lady of Vines rules 2

In particular, she can manifest the Aspect of the Everqueen, turning this overgrown Branchwraith into a beacon of divine glory. Casting this spell grants every SYLVANETH unit wholly within 12″ a formidable ward of 5+, perfect for making already-resilient warriors like Kurnoth Hunters or a Spirit of Durthu even harder to fell.

This is a huge bubble of Ward Saves. You’ll want to keep her in the middle of your forces, so everything becomes that much stronger.

Lady of Vines rules 3

In the combat phase, she can create a protective barrier out of her Writhing Vines, forcing foes to subtract 1 from hit rolls against her as their blows glance off iron-hard bark. Or if a vengeful mood takes her, she can instead use these barbed creepers to ensnare her enemies, adding 1 to her own hit rolls.

This is a cool little ability to either give you more combat prowess or to protect yourself.

Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules


This should be a fun addition to your army with 10 wounds, a 3+ save, and plenty of abilities! Then, with two spells and a decent ranged attack, you can dish out some other damage.

Lastly, with some decent melee attacks, she’s shaping up well!

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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