3 New 40k Combat Patrols & Start Collecting Values

combat-patrol-boxes-MayThere are 3 new Combat Patrols for 40k and a Start Collecting box coming out, but what is the value inside each of the kits?

Just a reminder, Combat Patrols are designed for new players to the factions just like the current Start Collecting Sets that GW introduced back in 2016. They are being marketed as a quick way to get a small force on the table and playing some small games right away.

Most times the starter-style kits are a pretty good value, so even if you have some minis already, these could be a decent value. But, buyer beware, some have better value than others, as we will find out here! 

Necrons Combat Patrol $140

Combat Patrol necronWe thought they would be getting Necrons Indomitus version #52 for a combat patrol as their codex suggested, but it looks like we’re getting something a little bit fresher that contains all these multi-part kits. Nothing wrong with more bits! Let’s look at everything inside:

  • 10 Immortals or Deathmarks $76 ($38 ea)
  • Night Scythe or Doom Scythe $60
  • Tomb Blades $49
  • Overlord $28

Total MSRP: $213

Value: $73

This box is a little underwhelming as it has such a random assortment of minis and doesn’t really help too much if you are just starting the army. But if you were able to get in on Indomitus, that was such a good deal it’s hard to complain.

Still, if you need the minis, it’s basically like getting the Doom Scythe and overlord for free. Overall it’s right around the value point they are trying to hit but doesn’t really come close to the value and units in the recent Drukhari box.

Space Marines Combat Patrol: $140

Combat Patrol sm

Unfortunately like the Necrons, these are not really the best mixture of units we’ve seen, but the value in terms of dollars is really there. Just the fact that none of the units included really make great use of the Impulsor makes this a strange mix. We were hoping for something a little different than before, but hey, it ain’t happening! Anyway, let’s see how many hobby dollars it can save you.

  • Impulsor $75
  • Ten-man Infiltrator Squad $60 (Multi-part kit price)
  • Eliminators $50 (Multi-part kit price)
  • Phobos Lieutenant $35 
  • Suppressors $50? Does not have an individual kit yet…Following the price for Eliminators

Total MSRP: $270ish…

Total Value: $100 (same as old Start Collecting box) plus a discounted Impulsor

Again, it’s the same value as the old box but with an Impulsor for $45. It’s also a little hard to figure because the Infiltrators aren’t multi-part and can’t be built into the Incursors either. So the $60 on them isn’t really what that kit would go for (maybe).

But the value is really there when you just look at the numbers. So if you want or need the minis in this set, it’s really worth it dollar-wise. It’s actually one of the highest values we’ve seen so far, just again, a strange smattering of units. Still, the value is really there if you don’t have any of these yet!

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Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol: $140

ad mech combat patrol

It’s hard to tell just how good the units inside will be, with the new codex coming out. But getting some Rangers, Breachers, and a Dunecralwer can never be that bad. The only thing that’s a little unfortunate is it’s another box with an Enginseer, most people seem to have way too many of them laying around. All of these have been the same price at $140, so for this value, we’ll be going with that.

  • Dunecralwer $75 (Sold out online at the time of writing)
  • 10 Rangers $44
  • 3 Breachers $58
  • Tech-Priest Enginseer $33

Total MSRP: $210

Total Value: $70

This doesn’t have quite as good of a value as some of the other boxes but isn’t the worst yet. If you need the minis inside, it’s totally worthwhile, because it basically gives you the Dunecrawler for free.

Soulblight Gravelords Start Collecting: $95


soulblight gravelords SC

With 26 minis inside you do get a good little core to build out from. If you don’t want Grave Guard though, the box really isn’t worth a buy as that makes up a ton of the value right there.

  • 20 Grave Guard: $88 ($44 per box of ten)
  • 5 Black Knights $38 (temporarily out of stock online)
  • Wight King on Skeletal Steed $45 (based on Zandtos) 

Total MSRP: $171

Value: $76

Overall the price point and value are both pretty decent. With 20 Grave Guard included, you basically get everything else for free, in a sense. The value is also greater if you really want the Wight King because for now, this is the only place you can get the mini. So it will save you some hobby dollars if you need the minis inside!

And with that, all of the values are broken down!

Will you be picking any of the boxes up? Do you like the units included in each? 

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