All The Solved Rumor Engine Teasers After AdeptiCon 2022

solved-rumor-enginesThese are all the GW Rumor Engine teaser images that have been solved with their new models identified from Adepticon 2022, and more!

It’s been just over a month since the last official preview from Games Workshop, and now we have more rumor engines solved! Some were not hard with the big reveals from Adepticon 2022 (which you can check out all the coverage by clicking here) 

Check out all of the solved GW Rumor Engine Bits solved headed into April 2022…

January 26th, 2021

That looks Like New Tyranids: Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine Tail or claw

Well, we’ve already taken a guess at this one. It just looks too much like a Tyranid tail for us to think much further. Just the tantalizing idea of new Tyranid minis seems to be scrambling our brains. While it could always be something else, it just looks too alien for many other factions. They also mention it could be man-made by more advanced humans.

Could they be unveiling a new line of beings behind the Hive-Mind? Probably not, but hey it’s a rumor engine so why not speculate?

With such a unique design, this one wasn’t too hard to place as Tyranids!

Parasite of Mortrex 2

March 23rd, 2021

Rip & Tear: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 03-23-21

This serrated edge could be to a spear, spike, dagger, and a few other things, but ultimately the craftsmanship and savage nature of it is what makes it stand out. This is most likely for a new Dark Eldar/Aelves release for either 40k or AoS respectively. This could technically be for Chaos in both games as well, but curved blades are much more common in the Dark Eldar/Aelves lineups.

We leaned a little bit too much into the Eldar theory, but at least we knew chaos was a possibility and boy are we happy it ended up being chaos…

September 28th, 2021

New GW Rumor Engine Goes Straight to Davy Jones Locker

Right away this bit is instantly recognizable as the bottom of a boat. Due to the nature of boats, it’s also much more likely to be terrain or a model in AoS instead of 40k. It then becomes a balancing act of whether Nagash is going to take on the seas, or if Idoneth Deepkin might receive a new model after only receiving a Warband and a bundle for quite a long time.


As it would turn out it really was the forces of Nagash, but pin-pointing which faction is nearly impossible when looking at a brand new design space. At least the new model looks amazing!

Awlrach the Drowner

October 12th, 2021

New GW Rumor Engine: The Lone Lamppost

rumor engine 10-12-21

Initially, this bit might be hard to place correctly, however with the surge in more unique models with all of the warbands and factions in specialist games, this seems like a perfectly reasonable bit. As it is just a lamppost and doesn’t immediately say anything totally futuristic, it seems more likely to be AoS.

With that in mind, this could easily be a new Warband model for plenty of different factions or even a new terrain piece. Possible factions include Stormcast, Orruks, and Nighthaunt.

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This one turned out to not only be Nighthaunt but also be the same model as the previous one!

Awlrach the Drowner

January 4th, 2022

New Chaos Lashes Out: GW 40k Rumor Engine

New Chaos Lashes Out: GW 40k Rumor Engine

GW is back with another “normal” Rumor Engine.  They say it’s not Chaos, but to us, this looks very similar to the Helbrute Power Scourge.

While it may not be a new Helbrute, it definitely is chaos, and it’s a glorious model at that too!

January 25th, 2022

More Ad Mech Models New GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 01-25-21

The new rumor engine looks like a group of antennas, but it could be more like even on a piece of terrain. The design looks primarily Ad Mech in nature to us, but it could also easily be Imperial Guard or even Genestealer Cults for that matter…

As it turns out this isn’t Ad mech at all, but in fact a new terrain piece for Necromunda!

Necromunda 2

February 8th, 2022

New Imperial Wargear: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 02-08-22

The new rumor engine looks like a pile of Imperial equipment, but it could be more like even on a piece of terrain or vehicle. The design looks primarily “good” in nature to us, but it could also easily be just some generic indiscriminate terrain piece for that matter…

Whatever it is it was clearly 3D printed as you can see the striations from being zoomed in on the miniature.

This didn’t end up being imperial supplies, but it is a piece of the new Necromunda terrain!

Necromunda 2

That looks to be all of the reveals from the Adepticon 2022 preview. With the upcoming Horus Heresy day, and summer previews later this spring, we’re sure more of these will come into focus soon…

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

What GW rumor engines do you think we will see solved next?

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