AMG Reveals New Core Set Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards!

MCP revealed tactics cardsAtomic Mass Games has the new Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards that are in the 2023 Earth’s Mightiest Core Set!

Atomic Mass Games has their new Earth’s Mightiest Core Set releasing this October for Marvel Crisis Protocol, and alongside this release, they’ve been revealing some of the cards that will be coming with it. We’ll take a look at the box first, then jump into the new cards.

If you read this after October 13th, 2023, this new core set should be fully released and available from your favorite store! To order one for yourself, click on one of the headers below. This new Core set is already up for pre-sale over on Asmodee’s website.


Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Earth's Mightiest Core Set

This new core set maintains all the current rules of Crisis Protocol, but packages them into a Core Set that has been updated in every other way to create the next evolution of entry points into Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

Earth's Mightiest Core Set 2

Unlike the original Core Set, this one looks like it will have three more initial characters, six more bases, and plenty of terrain to go around!

AMG Reveals New Core Set Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards!

This first set of tactics cards was revealed on the Atomic Mass Games’ Twitter.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics CardsSoldat Activated will turn Bucky into a great bodyguard who can attack enemy characters and give you cover. This is Our Day is also pretty interesting, as you not only get to place objective markers when dropped, but you deal damage to all your enemies around.

Lastly, Joint Effort gives you a ton of free dice!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards

While sticking with the same classic visual style as the old ones, the faded art seems to be going for less of a comic aesthetic to try and fall in line consistently with the other art in the series.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics CardsBattle Plan can be super powerful as it activates on all models with 3 of Steve, meaning you can clump and all get healed. Stark Armory is another card that’s great for buffing up your army, so keep your characters close to each other.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards

And touching on the hero side, they dropped these reveals over on their Facebook. Overall, they did a good job of revealing a little bit of something for everyone with these tactics cards, but there is still more to come that we haven’t seen yet!

If these interest you, make sure to get your pre-order for the Earth’s Mightiest Core Set before it releases in October!

Pre-Order The New Core Set Here!

What do you think about the Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics cards revealed so far for the Earth’s Mightiest Core Set? 

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