New Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactics Cards for Rhino!

Rhino Marvel Crisis Protocol featureAMG revealed the Rhino Tactics Cards and rules for Marvel Crisis Protocol; here is the latest and where you can order him!

The Rhino expansion has hit pre-order, so it’s good to know what he can do before you buy! First, check out the new expansion, then jump into the latest rules from AMG’s Facebook!

If you read this after January 13th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or click the product header below. 

Marvel Crisis Protocol Rhino Team Tactics Cards

Rhino Tactics CardsBrace for Impact is a simple and cheap way to avoid damage, and with this re-print, it looks like it is here to stay.

Rhino in a China Shop pairs pretty well with his character card and add a decent number of dice, just keep in mind he suffers damage instead of paying power for the card. This is a Robbery is actually pretty awesome and not only makes the opponent drop the objective, but Rhino also throws them! That seems like a great way to slam him in there and grab some objectives.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Rhino: $34.99

Click here to get yours from | Amazon | or | Asmodee Website |


Rhino MCPEven though we just saw the picture on Facebook, they already put the model on their store, which is pretty awesome to be able to order it already!

Rhino Marvel Crisis Protocol 2Let’s hear what they have to say about the model:

A new villain charges into Marvel: Crisis Protocol! With a durable second skin grafted all over his body, the aptly named Rhino is stronger, tougher, and more inured to pain than your average supervillain. This pack adds this rampaging villain to players’ rosters, giving them another powerful option in the Spider- Foes and Criminal Syndicate affiliations. Additionally, three Team Tactic cards enhance Rhino’s abilities, making him even more versatile in battle.

AMG Reveals New MCP Cards & Rules for Rhino!

Rhino MCP Rules

His basic attack, Gore, is a Strength 5 Physical attack. Rhino builds up momentum by charging at his target, and this attack has a special rule that lets you place him within Range 1 of his target before doing damage to represent this short dash. While it’s his only traditional attack, Gore is not the only way Rhino can dish out damage. First, Rhino can change that short charge into an all-out rush with his Stampede superpower. Rushing forward, Rhino moves Medium distance and clobbers through interactive terrain of Size 2 or less. If he follows this up with a Gore attack, he adds 2 dice to the attack roll to represent the added momentum of his headlong charge.

For a four-threat character, he can dish out some serious damage! Then with Stampede and Gore, he should be able to cover a lot of ground and smash right through terrain features. Besides the attacks, you can pick up to size four terrain and chuck it at the enemy!

Rhino MCP Rules 2

He can also hit distant targets with Nobody Ever Accused the Rhino of Good Manners. Picking up terrain of Size 4 or less, Rhino can use his enhanced strength to hurl the object at a target within a Medium distance.

Aleksei also isn’t known for having an even temperament, as represented in game with the one-two punch of the Aggressive and Ornery superpowers. Aggressive helps to make up for his lower movement speed. As with other characters who have this superpower, whenever an attack targeting Rhino deals damage, he can advance Short toward the attacker. Adding to the attacker’s woe, Ornery represents Rhino getting more and more riled up from attacks: when he is damaged by an allied or enemy effect, after the attack Rhino gains 1 Power if he isn’t Dazed.

For the defensive side of things, he has some exciting rules to let him advance and gain power! Lastly, he also reduces all incoming damage automatically, so if nothing else, he should be annoying to bring down!

Click Here to Get Yours

Do you like the new rules for Rhino in Marvel Crisis Protocol? Will you be picking the mini up?

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