Awesome Blood Bowl Teams by Castle Brush

castlebrush Blood Bowl teamsCheck out these outstanding Blood Bowl Teams brought to us by the hobby minds at Castle Brush EU- check it out!

The artistic team at Castle Brush is pumping out some amazing-looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. This level of painting is crisp and while it may be their basic paint job, it lets you get an entire army on the field the quickest way possible from them and still meet a great tabletop quality. Sometimes we just don’t have time to paint, let Castle Brush do it for you! If you love what Castle Brush is doing, check out some of their other stuff here.

Today, we’re going to let them walk you through this wild project. That way you can hear from them how much work went into it.

Blood Bowl Teams by Castle Brush

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While most of our work is painting the WH40K miniatures, sometimes we stumble upon some other games. And we finally had a chance to paint two Blood Bowl teams – Lizardmen and Chaos Dwarfs!

Both commissions were mostly painted at our basic quality level, the ‘Knight’, which can be described as tabletop quality for short, with some pieces receiving the ‘Champion’ quality treatment (for the complete description of our quality levels, visit our site ).  

Chaos Dwarfs:

Blood Bowl Team Castle Brush


Blood Bowl Team Castle Brush 2We were provided with stunning miniatures from Greebo Games – Volmarian Team as the Chaos Dwarf, along with old Greebo Miniatures Fantasy Football Minotaur, and Willy Miniatures Chaos Dwarf with Blunderbuss model to count as the team’s Star Player.

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Blood Bowl Team Castle Brush 4Most of the team except the Minotaur received a ‘Knight’ quality paint job. While the big guy is an example of our ‘Champion’ quality. The aim was to give the classic, red/black Chaos Dwarfs schemes.


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Blood Bowl Team Castle Brush 6The Lizardmen team are miniatures from – Basic lizardmen team along with Lizardmen Star Players pack: we have here 6 Skinks, 6 Saurus Blockers, a Kroxigor, Skink Star Player (Hemlock), Saurus Star Player (Slibli), and Human with Chainsaw Star Player (Helmut Wulf). 

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Blood Bowl Team Castle Brush 9The scheme is probably best described as: please make them look like actual reptiles! And so, the Skinks and Saurus Blockers are painted to resemble blue-tongued skinks, Hemlock is a fire salamander, Slibli looks like a sand lizard, and the Kroxigor took his colors from American alligator. And Helmut? He just felt like he should blend a bit better and ordered his suit to be made from tiger skin!

Most of the team received ‘Knight’ quality paint jobs. While Kroxigor and all the Stars present our ‘Champion’-level quality of work.

That does it today for this awesome project. If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

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