Blades of Khorne, Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value

vanguard-box-sets-slaanesh-hedonites-blades-of-khorneCheck out the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Blades of Khorne and Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Box sets in this savings breakdown! 

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some of the models for the armies, these could be a decent value. Let’s see what you can save!

Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Box: $140 (New Higher Price)

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | or | eBay |


The forces of Slaanesh dispatch their foes with a thousand exquisite blows, the euphoria of combat propelling them onwards. Vanguard: Hedonites of Slaanesh packs in 20 peerless killers – three Slaangor Fiendbloods, five Slickblade Seekers that can alternatively be built as unerringly accurate Blissbarb Seekers, 10 Blissbarb Archers and their Homonculus lackey, and a Slaanesh Shardspeaker, one of the Dark Prince’s favoured sorcerers. 

  • Five Slickblade Seekers $70
  • Three Slaangor Fiendbloods $60
  • 10 Blissbarb Archers $60
  • Slaanesh Shardspeaker $35

Total MSRP: $225

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $85

Is the Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Box Worth it?

hedonites of slaanesh vanguard

The value isn’t the highest we’ve seen, but it’s definitely not the worst. Most of the value is in the Fiendbloods and Seekers, so if you don’t have them, then this is great. However, if you already have enough of either of those units (and aren’t going to use them), then this box isn’t too hot.

However, if you need all the units, you basically get the Seekers for free and a little extra value.

What Should You Buy Next For Your Hedonites Army?

Vanguard Hedonites of Slaanesh

At this point, you sort of need to pick the theme for your army. You can either start adding in more fast units like Seekers or some chariots. Or, you have a decent core of shooting with this list, so you can go for a slower and tougher composition with more Fiendbloods, Painbringers, and of course, more shooting!

This box set gives you the units where you can sort of go either way with your army build. Hedonites have some amazing-looking models, so you can just start grabbing what looks good and make a list of what you think is cool.

Blades of Khorne Vanguard Box: $140 (New Higher Price)

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | or | eBay |

blades of khorne vanguard


Make the realms run red with this crimson tide of crazed killers. Vanguard: Blades of Khorne contains three Mighty Skullcrushers, 10 Blood Warriors, and 10 Bloodreavers, all led by a Slaughterpriest.

  • 3 Skullcrushers $55 ($110 for 6)
  • 10 Blood Warriors $65
  • 10 Bloodreavers $30 ($60 for 10)
  • Slaughterpriest $35

Total MSRP: $185

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $45

Is the Blades of Khorne Vanguard Box Worth it?

Vanguard Blades of Khorne

This box honestly isn’t very good. With only $45 in value, you really only get the Slaughterpriest for free. Plus, they also give two half boxes in this, so again, just kind of odd.

Still, it has some value, and if you’re just starting out and need every unit, might be worth a pickup.

What Should You Buy Next For Your Khorne Army?

Honestly, this doesn’t give you a ton of stuff either way. So, you still have a long way to go before getting an entire army. You probably want to start adding some daemons and more Blood Warriors; they also have a bunch of cool characters, so probably worth picking a couple up.

Next, you need more punch to the army (especially with only three Skllcrushers), so you can add chariots and bigger daemons. Once you add them units, you can start finishing out the force with what models you like the most!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

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Will you be picking either of these up? Do you like the value and savings inside the Vanguard Boxes? 

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