BLOOD ANGELS – Codex Rules Round Up

By Rob Baer | December 9th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

blood angels codex

Checkout this fresh updated compilation of the latest Blood Angels rules leaks.

Confirmations by Iuchiban on Warseer!

Updated items in RED and italicized 

Releasing December 20th are the following;

  • Blood Angels Terminators $60
  • Blood Angels Terminator Librarian $30


First the big stuff;

  • Death Company is now elite as DC dreadnought
  • Predator Baal is Heavy Support
  • Librarian Dreadnought is HQ
  • Mephiston is HQ and IC
  • Dante and Gabriel Seth are Lords of War
  • All units have now Furious Charge
  • Only troop choices are Tactical squads and scouts.
  • No new units. No Centurions and no stormtalons.
  • No FoC unlocking for taking units as troops
  • Reclusiarchs are gone from the army list
  • Corbulo gives to all BA units at 6″ +1WS & +1I. Not cumulative with an standard chalice bonus. costs about two Wyverns, 3 wounds

Warlord Traits 
1. Warlord gets Rampage
2. Warlord gets +1 I
3. One Warlord’s weapon gets mastercrafted
4. Warlord gets Adamantium Will
5. Warlord gets Descent of the Angels (Dante’s trait)
6. Warlord gets 12″ fearless bubble

1. One jump pack that allows the bearer and his unit re-roll when DS and when other units Intercept -> Snapshots. (PF)
2. Gives Fear, and fear tests are done with -2 L (meltag)
3. One item that gives an additional warlord trait strategic table. (PW)
4. One physic weapon +2S, AP4, bearar may re-roll 1 in the psychic phase. If rellod die is a 1, bearer takes one wound. No saves allowed. (Meltag)
5. One Master-crafted plasma pistol, that does not get hot. (PF)
6. One AP2 power sword. (PF)

Psychic Powers
Primaris: Blessing. +D3 to A and I to psyker or target character at 12″
1. Malediction. Target unit at 12″ takes a Moral test with -2
2. Blessing. Target unit at 18″ gets Rage. If they had already that rule, they get +1A instead
3. Blessing. Psyker and his unit get 5++
4. Focussed witch fire. Target makes 2 T tests. Take one W for each failed test. If targed dies, place 5″ blast with S4 and AP5.
5. Beam.12″ S8, AP1 Lance 6″Blessing. Target infantry unit, moves 12″ in the psychic phase. No charging after this movement.


Unit Tweaks

  • – Dante’s Axe is +2S, AP2, mastercraft and NOT unwieldy, and he’s Eternal Warrior
  • – Special rules for Death Company: FC, Fearless, Relentless, FnP, Rage. They cannot reroll to wound if chaplain in the unit. Only Astorath gives them this ability.
  • – No terminator armour for DC. But there are good news, Jump packs are now only +3 points. On the other hand their WS has been downgraded to 4.
  • – No squadrons for Dreads. “Standard” dreads are now Elite, Furiosos and DC dreads too. Librarian dreads are HQ.
  • – Tacticals As usual + new options. They can get anti-air missiles BTW.
  • – No more Land Raider as dedicated transports for everybody, just for termies.
  • – Vanguard Veterans cannot charge after Deep Strike
  • – Sanguinor pretty the same but: gets only 4++, re-rolls to hit and wound in challenges
  • – Sanguinary Priests costs about the same as a Wyvern, are HQ, and units they joins get +1WS and FnP. The are IC btw.
  • Priest WS and FNP buff only works for their squad HQ units only, no lesser Elite versions like last book
  • -Tacticals and Sternguard get Heavy Flamer. Sternguard can get two per squad.
  • -Bikes can take Grav Guns, no bike command squad bike option
  • -Terminator Banner allows to reroll failed moral and pinning tests. 12″ bubble


Mephiston, Lord of Death

W3 I5 A4 2+sv

  • Warlord trait: Adamantium will
  • Lvl 3 Psyker
  • Special rules: FC, IC, Fleet, No Fear, Hypnotic Trance: Roll 2D6 if fighting in a challenge: If result is the L of the opponent or more, Mephiston hits on 2+. (Transfixing Gaze?)
  • Has one unique power: Blessing, he gets S10. He’s an HQ AND Independent Character!
  • His sword is AP3 he costs about the same as a Heldrake (reduction FTW?)

Fast Vehicles
– Rhinos
– Razorbacks
– Baal Predators Standard Predators can buy the Fast upgrade.

Mandatory: 1 HQ, 1 Elite, 2 Troops
Optional: As usual, but 3 additioanl Elite (Total 4)
Special rule: +1I when charging, all the army, any turn. I see in the pictures of the codex there is nothing coming after the termie kit. Librarian is separate from the kit.