Blood Angels Take The W: FLG LVO 2023 Champs 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horOver the weekend, Blood Angels finished first at LVO 2023 Champs, as these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top three spots!

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought into their armies.

Blood Angels Take The W: FLG LVO 2023 Champs 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. 

3rd Place: Matt Morosoli – Chaos Daemons




2nd Place: Sean Nayden – Orks

freebootas orks wall hor






1st Place: Jack Harpster – Blood Angels

blood angels wal hor


Jack’s winning Blood Angels went all in on melee killing power! His battalion was led by Dante, Lemartes, and a Sanguinary Priest. Both of the named characters are great stat-sticks in their own right, but they also bring great support abilities to the list, making them super valuable. At the same time, the Sanguinary priest can help by healing and preventing damage to nearby models!

15 infiltrators provide some decent troops while keeping things simple.

Then Elites bring 21 Sanguinary Guards for all-in-one threats that have mobility and do great in melee and ranged combat. The other half of the elites are 15 Death Company with Jump Packs for glass cannons that really only want to make a charge into melee.

Then the list ends with a Sanguinary Ancient to help out the guard!

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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