BREAKING – Badab War Returning? & Forge World Teaser!

By Rob Baer | December 21st, 2015 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Thunderhawks forge world plastic

Looks like there will be another new Forge World Imperial Armor book AND a new character model to book in 2016, Come see the hint and make your guess on what it is!

Well at least one of the companies at GW does’t mind new release teasers. This is a pretty cool little thing they like to do to show off on of their new characters.


Last year’s was Alexis Polux, the Crimson Fist. Take a look below at the first teaser, and see who you think it will be this time.

via Forge World

FW Jigsaw 1

For the next few days we’ll be teasing you mercilessly by slowly revealing something that’s coming soon from Forge World… very soon! Take a look, can you guess what it is? Any ideas? No prizes for ‘A Space Marine’, but good try. Don’t worry, tomorrow’s pieces will be much more revealing.

Last weekend we released the Red Scorpions Vanguard Veterans Upgrade Set. It’s a great set that lets you upgrade resin or plastic Space Marines to Red Scorpion Vanguard Veterans and also includes Veteran Sergeant Culln, a legendary battle brother who later rose to be Lord High Commander of the Chapter.


Why the sudden interest in Red Scorpions? Well, I’ve just heard that the Chapter, and the heroic Carab Culln, will be making a return in 2016 with a new Imperial Armour book! That’s all I’ve got right now, but when I know more you will too.

Looks like they addressed the “stealth” Space Marine release from Friday that we covered last week as well.

“I’ve just heard that the Chapter, and the heroic Carab Culln, will be making a return in 2016 with a new Imperial Armour book!”

Yep looks like it go time for that secretive chapter of Space Marines called  The Red Scorpions.

Now keep in mind that they have shown up in 4 Different Imperial Armour books over the years, all of which have been remade except the Badab series!

IA Vol. 4 – The Anphelion Project – REVIEW HERE

IA Vol. 6 – The Siege of Vraks – Part Two  – REVIEW HERE

IA Vol. 7 – The Siege of Vraks – Part Three  – REVIEW HERE

*note the Vraks series was condensed on it’s re-release into one book of reduced fluff and current rules*

IA Vol. 9 – The Badab War – Part One – Not yet re-released!

So what do you think? What’s the Jigsaw and will the next Imperial Armour book be the Badab War?

Ho, ho, ho!


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