Chaos Daemons Codex: GW Rules Reveal Tidalwave

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Warhammer Community was dropping more spoilers for the upcoming Daemons Codex today. Come see the latest rules tidal wave on all four gods.

Ceri sat down with Rhu to discuss the new Chaos Daemons Codex on Twitch. The Codex has a great timeline regarding what is happening within the Warp and Real Space, going into detail of of what is going on for each gods. As well, each of the four Chaos Gods have their own section of rules. There are 16 Warlord Traits, divided between the four different Gods. As well, there is a rules sheet for the Chaos Spawn, as well as Be’lakor, the only undivided character in the book.

Chaos Daemons Codex

If you missed the other Daemon rules from this week catch up on them before we roll into the latest teasers:

Undivided: Be’lakor – Gives re-rolls to hit rolls of 1 for any friendly daemons within 1″. Re-rolls saves, weapon has AP -5, has access to the Dark Hereticus psychic abilities table. Death Hex, Warp Gaze, Gift of Change are three abilities he has access to. You do not have access to any Locus with Be’lakor, as he is undivided, but makes a great daemon ally.

Daemonic Ritual: Instead of moving, the character can attempt a ritual to summon daemons. You can roll up to 3 dice and summon within the power level equal to or less than the dice roll. The summoned daemon must be set up within 12″ of the caster and more than 9″ of any enemy units. If you roll doubles, the caster takes 1 mortal wound. If triples, take D3 mortal wounds.

Common Stratagems

  • Denizens of the warp : place unit more than 9 inches away from enemy models, 1cp or 2 cp
  • Warp surge – 2cp, daemons cannot reroll saving throws but increase invul by 1
  • Daemonic possession 1cp when psycher suffers perils, rolls 2d3 rather than d3 for mortal wounds

Blades Of Khorne Army Content


Khorne’s section is denoted in reds, fitting for the Blood God himself. They have the Locus of Rage, which allows friendly units within 6″ of the model with the locus to re-roll their charge rolls.

  • Aspect of Death: causes an additional model to flee when failing a morale test.
  • Warlord Trait: Oblivious to Pain: roll a dice each time your Warlord loses a wound. On a 6, the wound is not lost and you can re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls made for the Warlord until the end of your next turn.
  • Stratagem: Frenetic Bloodlust: 3CP, attack again stratagem.


Tzeentch’s section of the book has crisp blues, showing his clean, neat style and desires. They have the Locus of Trickery, where you roll 2 dice at the start of each fight phase and discard the highest result. Until the end of that phase, each time your opponent targets a Tzeentch Daemon unit within 6″ of a friendly model with the locus and makes a hit roll that, after re-rolls but before modifiers, matches your remaining dice result, that hit roll fails.

  • Gaze of Fate: Psychic ability, warp charge 6, allows a re-roll of a dice at some point in the game.
  • Endless Grimoire – Gives
  • Stratagem: Locus of Conjuration: 2CP, use at start of psychic phase and select a Tzeentch Daemon Character from your army, until the end of the phase you can re-roll any failed psychic tests for friendly Tzeentch Daemon units within 6″
  • Artifact: Impossible Robe: Gives a 4+ invul save. Once per game, you can re-roll a single failed saving throw for the wearer, but if the result is a 1, the wearer is immediately slain.



The God of incredible excess’s section is denoted by purples and pinks, wiggly bits and more. They have Locus of Swiftness: All Slaanesh Daemon units within 6″ of a friendly model with the locus can declare a charge even if they advanced in their movement phase.

  • Warlord Trait: Quicksilver Duellist, allowing your Warlord to re-roll failed hit and wound rolls for attacks made against Characters.
  • Bewitching Aura: enemy models subtract 1 from their attacks characteristic (to minimum of 1) while within 6″ of your Warlord. This does not affect Vehicles.
  • Artifact: Mark of Excess, which adds 1 to the attack profile of the bearer when they kill a Character.
  • Psychic ability: Phantasmagoria: warp charge 6, enemy units subtract 1 from leadership characteristic until the start of your next Psychic phase while within 12″ of the psyker.


Nurgle’s section of the book has his characteristic rot and bile artwork to denote his followers.They have the Locus of Virulence, where each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for a Nurgle Daemon unit within 6″ of any friendly model with the locus, that attack inflicts 1 additional damage.

  • Feculent Gnarlmaws: Gives a 2+ cover save to Nurgle Daemon units, except vehicles and monsters. Nurgle Daemons within 7″ can shoot and charge, even if they fell back or advanced. You can take up to 3 in a fortification and they cost 50x points each.
  • Horticulous Slimux, the Gardener of Nurgle: at the end of the movement phase, you can add a new Gnarlmaw to the field, setting up within 3″ of Horticulous Slimux and more than 1″ away from other models and terrain features (cannot be used if this unit performed a Daemonic Ritual this turn). This unit can deepstrike.
  • Sloppity Bilepiper: Disease of Mirth: after a friendly Nurgle Daemon unit within 6″ of the Bilepiper takes a morale test, roll 2 dice and pick the highest. When an enemy unit within 6″ of the Bilepiper takes a morale test, they lose an additional model for each point failed (I.e. 2 for 1).

guo great unclean one


  • Rotigus: This new character is 330 points and can cast 2 psychic abilities, has 18 wounds, is toughness 7, has disgusting resilience. On psychic tests, he does a mortal wound to the nearest unit when he rolls a 7.He has an attack which acts like a flamer, 7″ range, 2D6 attacks, with -2AP.
  • Stratagem: Locus of Fecundity: 2CP, affects a Nurgle Daemon Character and allows you to re-roll Disgustingly Resilient rolls of 1 for Nurgle units within 6″
  • Artifact: Horn of Nurgle’s Rot: Roll a D6 each time the bearer kills an enemy model in the fight phase while within 7″ of one or more friendly units of Plaguebearers. On a 4+ you can add a single Plaguebearer model to one of those units.

What do you think about the latest Daemons teasers from GW? Are you going to be cleaning the dust off your hordes with the release of the new codex?

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