Cleverly-Hidden Harness: New GW Rumor Engine REVEALED!

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What is this?? A new rumor engine is here and we think we’re looking at a zoomed-in pic of some kind of harness! Give us your second opinion.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine this week showing off something that we think is for AoS. At first glance, it made us think of last week’s rumor engine.

Cleverly-Hidden Harness: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 5-28-19

Looking at this rumor engine, we really felt like this bit was going to be in AoS for a combination of things.

  1. It looks like it could be a leather chest piece strapped around someone’s torso and that white thing could be some beard hairs.
  2. It could also be a saddle/harness to some kind of mount. (Maybe the smooth skin is the underbelly of the beast).

If it is the second option, we really don’t know what the white hairy-looking thing could be other than maybe just a decorative tassel of some kind.

rumor engine 5-21-19

Looking at the previous rumor engine, we could definitely draw the line between these two and say there’s a possibility of them going together. If we’re looking at a giant lizard tail here, then we can definitely see the need for a saddle for someone riding it. Characters ride mounts all the time in AoS after all.

carnasaur painted

All in all, nothing has been confirmed and won’t be until we see these bits pop up somewhere in the future previews from GW. In the meantime, however, what do you think these bits could go to? Is it something for AoS or are you convinced we could be looking at something for 40k? What faction needs to be updated next in AoS anyway? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.