Codex: Craftworld Stratagems & Traits SPOTTED

By Juan Lopez | October 21st, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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With the new Codex: Craftworlds set to release next week, we are getting a closer look as to what Stratagems and Warlord Traits are available!

Seen in a review by WintersSEO, the Stratagems and Warlord Traits for the new Codex: Craftworlds provide a great deal of flexibility and power to the Craftworld factions. There are 26 Stratagems in total, with 5 of them being Craftworld specific. The are many highly useful ones that are only at a 1-2CP cost. As for Warlord Traits, there are the standard 6 generic traits and 5 that are Craftworld specific. Let’s dive in and see what they are!

The Stratagems covered in this post will be ones that have never been previously seen. For a look at what has been seen already, check out our posts covering the Craftworld Faction Focus previews.

Note: The names of two Stratagems were not given in the video.

  • Seer Council: Any Warlock and Farseer unit within 6″ of each other can add +1 to the result of any Psychic Test made by both units in that Phase for 1CP.
  • You can overload the Energy Field Projectors on a Wave Serpent and fire it twice for 1CP.
  • You use this Stratagem for CP when a friendly Craftworld Infantry unit or a unit with the <Fly> keyword is being targeted by the enemy in the Shooting or Fight Phase. The enemy suffers -1 to all hit roils against the chosen unit for that Phase.
  • Tears of Isha: Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn for 2CP. Select a Wraith Construct model and it immediately regain D3 wounds.
  • Phantasm: For 2CP, use at the start of the 1st Battle Round but before the turn has begun. You can then pick up 3 units and move them to set up again on the battlefield. Units in transports move as well.

Eldar Warlord

Moving on the Warlord Traits, you have several that will stand out and those that fall flat. As seen in all other codices, any named character that is chosen to be your Warlord must take the associated Cratfworld specific Trait.

  • Ambush of Blades: Each time a hit roll of 6+ is made by a friendly Craftworld unit within 6″ of the Warlord in the Fight Phase, add +1 to the weapon’s AP characteristic.
  • An Eye on Distant Events: Enemy units cannot fore Overwatch at your Warlord.
  • Falcon Swiftness: add +2 to your Warlord’s Movement Characteristic.
  • Fate’s Messenger: Add +1 to Warlord’s Wound characteristic and Warlord gains a 6+ Feel No Pain
  • Mark of the Incomparable Hunter: Your Warlord can target enemy characters in the Shooting Phase, even though they are not the closest model.
  • Seer of the Shifting Vector: One per battle round, your Warlord can re-roll any single failed roll it made.

Craftworld Specific Warlord Traits

  • Alaitoc: As long as any friendly units Alaitoc units are within 6″ of their Warlord, they will automatically pass morale tests.
  • Biel-Tan: At the start of the Shooting Phase, pick a Biel-Tan unit within 3″ of the Warlord and re-roll all failed hit rolls made by that unit for the Phase.
  • Iyanden: Warlord can attempt to Deny the Witch once during each of the enemy’s Psychic Phase. If your Warlord is a Psyker, they can attempt to Deny the Witch one extra time.
  • Saim Hann: When a Warlord piles in or performs a Heroic Intervention, it can move 3″ towards the nearest enemy character rather than to an enemy model. If you attack the character you moved towards with close quarters attacks, your Warlord gains +1 to all Attack characteristics until the end of the Phase.
  • Ulthwe: If your army is battleforged and your Warlord is on the field, at the start of your and your opponents turns, roll a D6. On a 6, you gain 1 Command Point.

So there are the Stratagems and Warlord Traits that we have been able to see. Our very own Rob Baer will soon be getting a copy, so expect his review and tips soon.

What do you think about the Stratagems and Traits you have seen thus far? Are you hyped to play your Eldar? Let us know in the comments below!

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