Complete 50 Point Armies for Hordes & Warmachine

By Zeb Barrett | January 20th, 2017 | Categories: Hordes, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warmachine

Asphixious cryx warmachine

Now there is a quick and easy way to get into Warmachine and Hordes with the complete 50-point Army Boxes and we have the details!

There has never been a quicker or easier easier way to get into a new game system from Privateer Press!

Via Privateer Press

The Quickest and Easiest way to storm the battlefields of WARMACHINE and HORDES – Complete 50-point Army Boxes

Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran taking up a new Faction, this Army Box contains everything you need to quickly field a complete and competitive army suitable for every battlefield engagement – from casual games at home to organized leagues and tournaments. And best of all, it is over a 35% savings off MSRP!

Don’t delay, order from your store today! These are in very limited quantity and available at participating North American retail stores or through starting on January 23, 2017. Army boxes will begin shipping to North American retail stores on January 16, 2017.

Cryx Army Box 2017 – $159.99


  • Warcaster Asphyxious the Hellbringer
  • Inflictor Heavy Warjack
  • Seether Heavy Warjack
  • Ripjaw Light Warjack
  • Cankerworm Light Warjack
  • Darragh Wrathe Solo
  • Bane Warriors Unit of 10
  • Bane Warriors Officer & Standard Command Attachment

PIP 72901 Circle Orboros Army Box 2017 – $139.99

  • Warlock Kromac, Champion of the Wurm
  • Feral Warpwolf Heavy Warbeast
  • Warpwolf Stalker Heavy Warbeast
  • Ghetorix Heavy Warbeast
  • Rotterhorn Griffon Light Warbeasts x 2
  • Shifting Stones Unit x 2

Right now is the perfect time to get into a tabletop game so head over to Privateer Press for all the latest news and to grab these starter sets when the drop!