Cosmic Ghost Rider Get New Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactic Cards!

Cosmic Ghost Rider featureCosmic Ghost Rider explodes into Marvel Crisis Protocol with these new Team Tactic Cards rules straight from Atomic Mass Games! 

The character pack has hit pre-order, so it’s good to know what he can do before you buy! First, check out the new expansion, then jump into the latest rules from AMG!

If you read this after July 14th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store! To order one for yourself, click here or on the header below.

Cosmic Ghost Rider Character Pack: $44.99

Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Cosmic Ghost RiderThis is such a cool character pack, and from the sounds of it, AMG will give him some wild rules. They mention he will buff up the Guardians of the Galaxy and bring some serious vengeance!

Cosmic Ghost Rider 2Here’s what they have to say about the model:

Players will embrace the Power Cosmic with the Cosmic Ghost Rider Character Pack. This stand-alone powerhouse is hell on the battlefield, clocking in with high mobility, diabolic character displacement, and good old-fashioned pistol play. Equipped with Team Tactic Cards that boost both himself and the Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation, this star-struck menace is ready to unleash the Spirit of Vengeance!

Cosmic Ghost Rider Get New Marvel Crisis Protocol Team Tactic Cards!

Cosmic Ghost Rider Team Tactic Cards

We also saw his character card, which you can check out here. When with the Guardians, they can all become Big Dumb Heroes!

This not only sounds cool but will let them all add one die to both their attack and defense rolls. Then, you can just teleport to an objective token, score a VP, and even move again!

Pretty wild stuff when you consider he already has another teleport built into his kit. Last but not least, for Black Order, he can use other characters’ power to deal damage (to himself or the enemy). Even if you damage him, he gains power, so a cool way to use other characters’ power to buff him up and deal damage.

Click Here to Get Your New MCP Models!

Will you be picking this Cosmic Ghost Rider Marvel Crisis Protocol pack up? Do you like the rules so far?

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