Crazy Troggoth King Conversion from Kaiju Country

By Travis Pasch | February 16th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Kaiju Country Feature rIf you like crazy models and scratch-built monsters, you have to check out this insane Troggoth King conversion from Kaiju Country!

This is still a WIP, but it’s already looking amazing and makes us want to break out the sculpting supplies. If you’ve been looking for something to get your creative hobby juices flowing, this does the job. He has a ton of cool projects, so if you like this one, you should go check out his blog and see what else he’s up to!

But for now, let’s jump into this awesome mini that he submitted to us!

Crazy Troggoth King Conversion from Kaiju Country

Troggoth King 3Just a quick update today to show the progress I’ve made on my Troggoth King and his Dankhold Colossus mount. The king himself is now nearly complete; I’ve fixed all of his components in place with bake & bond and fired him so all that’s left is to do any corrections and add minor details with traditional putties.

I didn’t make his spear tip in Sculpey as it’s not the best material for the job – I’ll make that separately and attach it as part of the final assembly.

Troggoth King 2I’ve made some good progress on the Colossus, having set the spines in place and started detailing the skin on his back. I also started blocking out his missing hand.  You’ll notice from the pictures that I’ve also finally added a proper saddle for the king which has little bum cheek divots so that he sits snuggly atop his big beastie!

Troggoth KingOnce I’ve sorted out the missing hand and any other issues with the overall form, I will continue detailing the skin and go back to add further details like fungus and more stalagmites.  I also have a lot of ‘hair’ to add to his underside as moss has built up over the centuries while he’s been sleeping in his cave!

Troggoth King 5We’re super excited to see how this turns out when it’s all done! If it already looks this good, we can’t imagine what it will look like once it’s all painted up.

Troggoth King 6Hey, you know you’ve put in some serious riding time when you have some comfy butt indents!

Troggoth King 4I blended the neck and skin before this firing.  I find that you need to do a whole area with Sculpey to make sure everything is consistent, so I’d held off doing this until I was ready to complete his back.

Check out Kaiju Country Here

Have you made any scratch-built monsters like this? What do you think about the conversion so far?

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