Creature Caster Resin Beast 2022 Contest Announced!

Resin Beast Feature rGet those paintbrushes and unpainted minis ready for the newest edition of the Creature Caster Resin Beast 2022 contest!

Don’t worry, this competition isn’t only about who’s the best. Not saying you wouldn’t win that but, it’s just about getting to the desk and painting minis. Last year they picked winners at random every week as well as having categories judged based on the actual paint job!

They just announced this so we’ll have more info soon, but we expect the prizes to be just as good this year! Not only are we glad to see this coming back, but they are also doing it live at AdeptiCon this time around. So if you’re going, be sure to get those CC minis ready.

It’s all super easy, well to enter at least- maybe not winning the grand prize…

Creature Caster Resin Beast 2022 Contest Announced!

Resin Beast

Resin Beast will be back – in person – at Adepticon in March! There will also still be an online component for those who can’t make it to our booth. Thousands of dollars in prizes, trophies, and (of course) beastly bragging rights! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more info to come within the next couple weeks. For now, you better start priming your Creature Caster backlog!

Resin Beast 2021 2We’re glad they are still doing the online portion but it will be really cool to bring your minis to AdeptiCon! They haven’t released all the info yet, but be sure to keep an eye on their socials as they usually release new info there.

Just remember as well, some of the prizes are random drawings, so even if you’re not the best painter in the world, this is a great motivation to get your minis done and possibly win something. Just whatever you do, get those minis painted!

Atriarch of onslaught setThat does it for this one, now go check out what awesome mins you can paint up!

Click Here Get Your Creature Caster Minis!