Creature Caster’s Lord Lust & Lady Pride Isn’t Over The Top At All…

By Wesley Floyd | November 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Creature Caster, Warhammer 40k Rumors

creature caster rumors

Okay so maybe it is, but we still love them for it. Creature Caster just revealed Lord Lust & Lady Pride, and it is a twisted work of art!

Creature Caster revealed a new model called Lord Lust & Lady Pride or Suzerain of Desire on their Facebook Page. Let’s go over these two dark beings coiled together on one base!

Lord Lust & Lady Pride Earlier Artwork

We actually saw the artwork for the model a while ago. And from the looks of it, not a whole lot has changed since then:

Presenting Lady Pride and Lord Lust, The Suzerain of Desire, or more simply The Twins. It’s Game of Thrones meets Dante’s Inferno. Beautiful, yet disturbing. Twisted (literally and figuratively) 

creature caster lady pride lord lust

This twisted model looks like two souls tethered together to form some kind of horrible mouth at the bottom of their base. With massive pincers and exquisite taste in fashion, our first thoughts are more Slaanesh goodness.

Creature Caster is trying something new with this model. With two obviously separate creatures entwining themselves together to form one “unit”, this is a concept that’s not seen too often in tabletop models. Way to go for Creature Caster thinking outside the box!

New Creature Caster Model REVEALED: Lord Lust & Lady Pride

cc lord lust lady pride 2

Full reveal of the Twins model. Also known as The Suzerain of Desire, or Lord Lust and Lady Pride. Entangled in a battle of wills, their destinies forever bound together. Disturbing, beautiful, and horrific all at once.

With a first full look at what the model will be like, Creature Caster also mentioned an alternate weapon and head bit that will be revealed soon.

daemon prince

In the realm of GW, if you’re going to run a Slaaneshi Daemon Prince or Keeper of Secrets, why not choose the Suzerain of Desire as the model? As usual from Creature Caster, it’s got head-turning detail and is begging for a unique paint job!

What do you think about the new model from Creature Caster? What’s your favorite mini from Creature Caster so far?

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