Cursed City Going for Nearly $400 Already…

cursed-city-sold-outIf you wanted the box, hopefully, you’ve already got one, because Cursed City is going for nearly $400 right now on eBay…

This is quite annoying for a box set that GW originally said would be restocked, turned into a scalpers paradise. We’ve covered the fact that these are not coming to the web store extensively here, but we’ll give you a little taste of it as well.

cursed city no resultsCursed City was a rare occasion where the item’s listing has just been completely removed from the GW Webstore completely.

whc cursed city gone


The damage control is on, but judging by the memes all over the internet, it’s going to be hard for any hobbyist to trust them after a week later with the Be’lakor release, back-to-back new release debacles have occurred.

sold-out-wysiwyg-gw-counts-asThis has become such a strange thing that happens all the time, GW gives heavy allocations, every release gets bought up almost instantly, and then people sell them on the secondary market for crazy prices.

But hey GW seemingly makes their money on selling the majority of product on their website, at full markup so that’s cool for them we suppose…

Cursed City Going for Nearly $400 Already…

We found one seller on eBay who somehow bought a ton of these, and at the time of writing, they have already sold 13, and still have more! We have no idea how they got so many. GW said they would limit the numbers to each customer, but that appears to have not been the case.

cursed city box artAfter talking to multiple store owners across the US, they’ve said they had only gotten maybe 8 boxes, where they were originally told they could order up to 160. We don’t have to spell out the fact that these sold out insanely quickly, there was obviously not enough to go around.

Remember, this was something GW had talked about building on, but now that’s if off the store, how can they build further on it? This has forced everyone into an awkward situation, where if you didn’t get on the pre-order and still want it, you have to pay out the nose now.

Let’s look at the real prices now on eBay.  

eBay Prices Have Gone Crazy

eBay Prices Cursed CityWith already 13 sold at this price, we expect in the next few weeks, this could easily go past the $400 mark as it went from $249 to $349 on there in just a week. If you find one for this price, it might be one of the better prices for a new box you’ll be able to find for some time.

Again, we’re not sure how they got so many boxes, but they are making some serious profit. If they somehow got these at a discount with a store account or something, then they are making even more! But even if they paid full price, they are making around $150 a box (just off retail prices), meaning with 13 sold, they have already profited about $2,000.

Let’s just hope if everyone that wanted one, was able to grab one before the prices skyrocketed!

cursed city 400

Editor’s note: the set is currently listed for $399 since we wrote this article. Press F in the comments for Cursed City y’all.

Were you able to secure a box? Do you think we’ll continue to see the prices rise? 

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