Dark Eldar’s Rules Teaser Arrives From The Webway

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Games Workshop has dropped another Faction Focus teaser and this time the Dark Elves are the target. Let’s see how evil they will be!

Dark Eldar fans, get ready to see how evil your faction choice will be in this upcoming update!

Frankie from Frontline Gaming is once again giving a break down on the Drukhari will perform in 8th edition. Let’s take a look at a couple key points from his article on Warhammer Community.

In the new Warhammer 40,000, Raiders are exactly what they should be. They are blisteringly fast, open topped transports that deliver warriors where you need them but remain a little fragile. However, Raiders are nowhere near the paper thin deathtraps they could be in the past. Venoms, as well, are absolutely fantastic vehicles, and due to the changes to the core rules of the game, all of their weapons now have at least a chance to hurt even resilient vehicles on a 6 to wound...  You can have a dark lance, which will give you serious punch to open other people’s transports or take down large creatures.


Raiders and Venoms continue to be fast and useful and not as paper-thin?? That will allow more options and more aggressive tactics.

What about some of those iconic melee units, such as Incubi? They are my absolute favourite unit in the entire Drukhari range, and they are now truly frightening combatants. They have a klaive that hits at +1 Strength and AP -3… yikes that’s going to hurt! The leader of a unit is a beast as well, gaining +2 damage if he rolls a 6 to wound.


So, Drukhari will be lethal and paired with certain characters will become even frightening during the Fight Phases.

Wyches will be seen in greater numbers too. Honestly, this might be one of the top 3 most improved units in all of the new edition! They get the 4+ invulnerable save in the Fight phase, just like before, and can now dish out some damage in combat. Their hydra gauntlets and razorflails are fantastic, giving their attacks -1 AP. But their real talent is in the No Escape special rule.


No Escape rule

Yup, the No Escape Rule gives an effective chance to counter the Fall Back option for, say, a T’au Crisis Suit.

There it is, another awesome teaser for what is coming for the Drukhari in 8th Edition!

What are your thoughts? Are you a Drukhari fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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