D&D Adult Red Dragon Goes on Pre-order!

Red Dragon Feature rThe new D&D Adult Red Dragon is one insane mini! If you’ve been looking for something to set your campaign apart, this is it.

Once you’ve seen its face it’s too late, your treasure is his This awesome model is on pre-order now and will be shipping out early next year. The model itself is quite giant tipping the scales at OVER 200mm TALL AND OVER 175mm LONG!

When this dragon gets a hold of you it will eventually devour you. And now that you’ve become little more than a snack for the monstrous beast, it’s time to start a new campaign. Maybe it won’t be so dire, we guess it all depends on how mean your GM is! Let’s take a closer look at this awesome mini!

D&D Adult Red Dragon: $69.99

Red dragon boxWho doesn’t love getting prepainted minis? Well, some of us actually like painting, but it does really speed the process of getting the mini on the tabletop up. With the mini being so big it coming prepainted will actually save you a ton of time to get it in play! If you also need some great terrain to go with your new mini, check out the Army Painter’s new terrain set!

Red Dragon Wiz Kids 3There really is an insane amount of detail on every part of the mini. If you need a giant centerpiece to anchor your campaign around, this would be the perfect thing for it.

Red Dragon Wiz Kids 2You also better hope your characters are ready because when they meet this monstrosity, things don’t look good for them!

Red dragon artLet’s look at what they have to say about the kit:

  • OVER 200mm TALL AND OVER 175mm LONG!
  • The odor of sulfur and pumice surrounds a red dragon, whose swept-back horns and spinal frill define its silhouette. Its beaked snout vents smoke at all times, and its eyes dance with flame when it is angry.

That does it for this one! If you want something amazing to anchor your campaign around, this is it!

Get Your D&D Adult Red Dragon Here!

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